Changes for version 0.041 - 2012-05-15
- Important:
- There have been major changes to the interface and behavior of Pinto (read more below). Beware this version of Pinto is NOT compatible with repositories created with any previous version of Pinto. If you have an existing repository and you really, really need to preserve it, then contact me and I can work with you to develop a migration plan. Also, many of the internal modules have been moved around, so I strongly suggest that you remove existing versions of all the Pinto libraries and scripts before installing a new one on top of it.
- New/Changed/Removed Features:
- Pinto now supports multiple indexes called "stacks". So you could have one stack of dependencies for application X and a different stack for application Y (or one for development, one for production, etc). Each stack can contain different modules and/or different versions of those modules. It's like having several repositories in one.
- Stacks can be copied and merged, much like a version control system. This allows you to experiment with new dependencies without impacting other stacks. If you have multiple applications with different dependencies (or just different versions of them), this also gives you a way to gradually converge dependencies. Likewise, it allows you to fork dependencies if two applications need to diverge in some way.
- The VCS integration has been removed. Most of the people I've talked with did not find this feature particularly useful, since you can't really branch & merge a repository (the database is binary). This was also the most rickety part of the system.
- The "pinto-admin" and "pinto-remote" applications have been consolidated into one application called "pinto". It will use the appropriate backend (either Pinto or Pinto::Remote) depending on whether the repository root is a local directory or a remote URL. However the backends ship separately from the application, so you must choose which to install (or you can choose both).
- The pinto application also has an "install" command, which functions as a stand-in for cpanm. It is wired to pull distributions only from your repository, using the stack of your choice.
- Pinto no longer supports mirroring CPAN. I've found that it is difficult to manage application dependencies in the context of an entire mirror of CPAN. Most people only care about the stuff their application needs, so they don't really need a snapshot of the entire CPAN. If you really want that, then CPAN::Mini does a fine job.
- Pinto no longer allows you to remove archives from the repository, so the "clean", "purge", and "remove" commands are gone. Eventually, my goal is to make Pinto behave just like a VCS, where nothing is really deleted and you can always revert back to a previous version. So you'll be able to take a distribution off of a stack, but the .tar.gz file never really goes away.
- Pinto no longer enforces any sort of permissions on package namespaces. Previously, Pinto only allowed the original author to update a package (just as PAUSE does). But the restriction was only advisory -- you could just bypass it by changing your author identity. Now, Pinto doesn't even bother with that -- any user can upgrade any package. All the activity is logged to a file so you can see who changed what, but Pinto expects you to be accountable for your actions.
- Pinto now tracks dependencies between the distributions within the repository. So it can potentially tell you which distributions need to be tested after upgrading a module, or whether the stack actually contains sufficient modules to satisfy all the prerequisites for all the distributions in the stack. I haven't yet written those commands, but the data is in there.
Changes for version 0.040_003 - 2012-05-04
- Fixed bug in 35-install.t that would cause the test to fail (instead of skipping) if cpanm was not installed. Thanks Andreas!
- Switched to using File::NFSLock instead of Lockfile::Simple. The latter uses some deprecated syntax that causes lots of ugly warnings on newer perls.
- Still alpha testing.
Changes for version 0.040_002 - 2012-05-04
- Added Action::Install. Still alpha testing.
Changes for version 0.040_001 - 2012-05-01
- This is a developer release for alpha testing the stacks feature.
Curate a repository of Perl modules
Base class for all Actions
Add a local distribution into the repository
An action to create a new stack by copying another
Delete a stack
Change stack properties
Show the index of a stack
Install packages from the repository
List the contents of a stack
Merge packages from one stack into another
Create a new empty stack
A no-op action
Force a package to stay in a stack
Show stack properties
Pull upstream distributions into the repository
List known stacks in the repository
Report statistics about the repository
Loosen a package that has been pinned
Report distributions that are missing
Internal configuration for a Pinto repository
Interface to the Pinto database
Manages indexes files from remote repositories
Write records to an 02packages.details.txt file
Initializes a new Pinto repository
Manage locks to synchronize concurrent operations
Record events in the repository log file (and elsewhere).
Extract packages provided/required by a distribution archive
Coordinates the database, files, and indexes
The result from running an Action
Something that has a configuration
Something that fetches remote files
Something that wants to log its activity
Something that operates on the repository
Something that makes directory paths
Something that has a pause config attribute
Something that reports about the repository
Attributes and methods for all Schema::Result objects
The DBIx::Class::Schema for Pinto
Represents a distribution archive
Represents a Package provided by a Distribution
Represents a Distribution -> Package dependency
Represents the relationship between a Package and a Stack
Repository metadata
Represents a named set of Packages
Represents stack metadata
Report statistics about a Pinto repository
Base class for storage of a Pinto repository
Store a Pinto repository on the local filesystem
A class for testing a Pinto repository
Static helper functions for testing
Static utility functions for Pinto