- Rethink the API for getting/opening/committing stacks
- Ensure the Store does not overwrite files.
- Extract versioning stuff to a separate dist.
- Command to unregister a pkg/dist
- Command to examine the delta between two stacks or revisions
- Add versioning to the stack props
- Add stack props and repos props to the dump META
- Create command to load repository from a dump
- Try to ensure integrity of commits
- Refactor the Initializer class
- Attribute to indicate of package was explicitly requested for stack
- Improve locking mechanism (one lock per stack, maybe in db).
- Consider using natural keys for package/dists.
- Consider pinning at dist level, not pkg
- Command to list dependors and dependants
- Command to verify prereqs on a stack
- Write test cases for Stack operations
- Command to list outdated packages
- Command options to specify provided/required packages (maybe not)
- Stack property: strict (no overlapping dists) ??
- Stack property: target perl
- Stack property: source repositories
- Stack property: allow devel releases
- Repo property: log level
- Repo property: default sources
- Repo property: default target perl
- Repo property: defautl devel option
- Prettier stack listing and stack prop listing
- Re-examine log levels for messages
- Should we throw() or just log->fatal()
- Should we have an heirarchy of exception classes
- Verify archive checksums during 'verify'
- Add hooks before/after adding and pulling
- Give revisions properties ??
- Allow revisions to be tagged
- Mark stacks as merged after merge
- Mark stacks as deleted after delete
- Warn if an unmerged stack is being deleted
- Way to pin/unpin all packages in a stack
- Make the Store transactional
- Rewrite tests with Test::Class
- Documentation review
Need to add the 'documentation' key to all my attributes. Also, need to figure out how to get Pod::Weaver to consolidate
- API documentation
- Support target_perl option
So you can specify which perl to compute dependencies with. Because the perl you want to deploy with may not be the one that you use to run Pinto.
- More robust list action
Actually, I think it is good enough for now
- Query language?
Not yet -- no clear use case.
- look: Unpack archive in temp dir and launch shell there
- ack: Do an ack command across all distributions
- news: list recent additions. maybe something from Changes file
In no particular order...
- Create a hook mechanism to do stuff before or after an Action
Like to notify people when the repository contents have changed. Or to kick off a build when the repository changes.
- Enable plugins for visiting and filtering. See CPAN::Mini and CPAN::Mini::Visit.
- Standardize API, using named parameters except where it makes sense not to.
- Write a tutorial to explain different ways for using Pinto in the development/deployment cycle. ++
- Generate a RECENT file. This could just contain the files added in the last action (if any).
- Improve Perl::Critic compliance.
- Document, document, document.
- Tests, tests, tests.
- Look for better ways to use Moose roles.
- Profile and look for performance optimizations.
- Add --package option to the Add action
To excplicitly declare what packages the archive provides, in cases where the META is whack or the packages can't be discovered.
Features inspired by XPAN
- Implement a "dry-run" feature.
Whenever Pinto fetches a .tar.gz, it first puts in a temporary directory (I think). After the packages and prereqs have been extracted, only then does it actually place it in the repository. So if --dryrun is enabled, don't put it in the repository. Also, if --dryrun is enabled, roll back the database transaction. There might be multiple layers of transactions going on, so we'll have to roll back at the right level. Finally, each Action must return 0 if --dryrun is enabled, to indicate that the repository state has not changed and does not need to be committed to VCS.
- Warn when an imported/added package conflicts with a pinned package.
Each time a package is added, Pinto looks at all the other packages with the same name and sorts them according to version number, whether it is pinned, and whether it is "local" or "foreign". From that, it determines what the "latest" version is and marks that to be included in the index. So that would probably be the time to warn if an incoming prereq is blocked by an older pinned package.
Other housekeeping chores that need to be done...
- Optimize generation of CHECKSUMS files.
At the moment, I'm using Adreas' module, which generates a CHECKSUMS file by recomputing md5s for everything in the directory. I think this is because PAUSE is paranoid about keeping accurate CHECKSUMS. But this makes importing/adding/mirroring slow if the author's directory already contains a lot of dists. Better to just compute the md5 for the new dist and append it to the ones that are already in the CHECKSUMS file.
- Come up with a strategy for schema migration.
I'm using SQLite and DBIx::Class. Every time the database schema changes, I break compatibility with all the existing repos (if there are any). So I need some way for Pinto to upgrade its own schema. I know there are frameworks for doing this but I just haven't learned them. Or maybe just use something like KiokuDB.
- Document the architecture.
Pinto has a pretty well-defined architecture -- there are distinct layers and separations of concern. It may not be the *right* architecture, but it is definitely there. I need to capture it on paper so I (and others) can reason about it.
- Document the API.
Only the command-line interface has any real documentation. The internal API has started to become stable and needs to get some documentation love.
Grand wishes...
- Make Pinto extensible in the way that Dist::Zilla is.
For example, I can imagine roles like BeforeAddition/AfterAddition and BeforeRemoval/AfterRemoval that provide hooks where plugins can make stuff happen when a dist is added or removed from the repository. Stuff like publish the POD to a website, or tweet a notification, or fire off a build, or run a local metacpan. But that all may be premature.