Finish FastForward merge (note this is not a committable action)
Implement a reset command to move head (also not committable)
Put username back into the log file
Test cases for Pop, Reindex, Delete
Move repository configuration into the DB
Heirarchy of exception classes
Re-examine log mechanism
Create a hook mechanism to do stuff before or after an Action
Create command to populate repository from current modules in @INC
Create command to undo one or more specific revisions


Improve locking mechanism (one lock per stack, maybe in db).
Enable locks on all stacks.
Lookup dists without the extension (e.g. .zip or .tar.gz or .tgz)
Consider pinning at dist level, not pkg
Create command to list dependors and dependants
Create command to verify prereqs on a stack
Create command to list outdated packages
Stack property: source repositories
Stack property: allow devel releases
Repo property: log level
Repo property: default sources
Repo property: default target perl version
Repo property: default devel option
Profile and look for performance optimizations.
Verify archive checksums during 'verify'
Standardize API, using named parameters except where it makes sense not to.
Tests, tests, tests.


Optimize generation of CHECKSUMS files.
Improve Perl::Critic compliance.
Document, document, document.
Look for better ways to use Moose roles.
Issue warning if META indicates that configuration is dynamic.


Give revisions properties
Try to ensure integrity of commits (what does this mean?)
Stack property: strict (no overlapping dists)
Add versioning to the stack props
Consider using natural keys for package/dists.
Make the Store transactional
Extract versioning stuff to a separate dist.
Rewrite tests with Test::Class
Attribute to indicate if package was explicitly requested for stack
Mark stacks as merged after merge
Warn if an unmerged stack is being deleted


Generate a RECENT file.
Command options to specify provided/required packages (maybe not)
Enable plugins for visiting and filtering.
news: list recent additions. maybe something from Changes file
ack: Do an ack command across all distributions
look: Unpack archive in temp dir and launch shell there
Mark stacks as deleted after delete