Changes for version 0.068 - 2013-04-04
- Now using Module::Build::CleanInstall, which removes files from the last installation before installing. This should help prevent build failures for those coming from versions prior to 0.066. Thanks to Joel Berger for creating the wonderful M::B::CleanInstall!
- Worked around bizzare bug that caused DateTime::TimZone to blow up with a "locate object method" exception on perl 5.14. Root cause has not been determined.
Curate a repository of Perl modules
Base class for all Actions
Add a local distribution into the repository
Remove orphaned archives
Create a new stack by copying another
Set the default stack
Delete archives from the repository
Show the difference between two stacks
Install packages from the repository
Permanently delete a stack
List the contents of a stack
Lock a stack to prevent future changes
Show revision log for a stack
Create a new empty stack
A no-op action
Force a package to stay in a stack
Show or change stack properties
Pull upstream distributions into the repository
Register packages from existing archives on a stack
Change the name of a stack
List known stacks in the repository
Report statistics about the repository
Unlock a stack to allow future changes
Loosen a package that has been pinned
Unregister packages from a stack
Report distributions that are missing
Unpack an archive into a temporary directory
Base class for interactive interfaces
Interface for terminal-based interaction
Utility class for commit message templates
Internal configuration for a Pinto repository
Interface to the Pinto database
Compute difference between two revisions
Manages indexes files from upstream repositories
Write records to an 02packages.details.txt file
Initializes a new Pinto repository
Manage locks to synchronize concurrent operations
Migrate an existing repository to a new version
Generates a stub file
Extract packages provided/required by a distribution archive
Iterates through distribution prerequisites
Coordinates the database, files, and indexes
The result from running an Action
Iterates through distribution prerequisites
Role for actions that commit changes to the repository
Something that fetches remote files
Something pulls packages to a stack
Something that has chrome plating
Something pulls packages to a stack
Attributes and methods for all Schema::Result objects
Role for actions that are transactional
The DBIx::Class::Schema for Pinto
Represents the relationship between revisions
Represents a distribution archive
Represents a Package provided by a Distribution
Represents a Distribution -> Package dependency
Represents the relationship between a Package and a Stack
Represents a set of changes to a stack
Represents a named set of Packages
Common queries for Distributions
Common queries for Packages
Common queries for Registrations
Report statistics about a Pinto repository
Storage for distribution archives
A class for testing a Pinto repository
Static helper functions for testing
in lib/Pinto/