The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use version;
subtest 'name from name+version string' => sub {
my $target = Pinto::Target::Package->new('Foo~1.2');
is $target->name, 'Foo', 'Parsed package name from string';
is $target->version, '1.2', 'Parsed package version from string';
is "$target", 'Foo~1.2', 'Stringified Target object';
subtest 'name from name-only string' => sub {
my $target = Pinto::Target::Package->new('Foo');
is $target->name, 'Foo', 'Parsed package name from string';
is $target->version, '0', 'Parsed package version from string without version';
is "$target", 'Foo~0', 'Stringified Target object';
subtest 'name from constructor' => sub {
my $target = Pinto::Target::Package->new( name => 'Foo', version => 1.2 );
is $target->name, 'Foo', 'Constructor with normal name attribute';
is $target->version, '1.2', 'Constructor with normal version version';
is "$target", 'Foo~1.2', 'Stringified Target object';
subtest 'version specifications' => sub {
my %tests = (
'' => [
['1.2' => 1],
[undef => 1],
[0 => 1],
'undef' => [
['1.2' => 1],
[undef => 1],
[0 => 1],
'~1.2' => [
['1.2' => 1],
['1.3' => 1],
['1.1' => 0],
[undef => 0],
[0 => 0],
'@1.2' => [
['1.1' => 0],
['1.2' => 1],
['1.3' => 0],
['1.1' => 0],
[undef => 0],
[0 => 0],
' 1.2 ' => [
['1.2' => 1],
['1.3' => 1],
['1.1' => 0],
[undef => 0],
[0 => 0],
'~1.2, <= 1.9, != 1.5' => [
['1.1' => 0],
['1.2' => 1],
['1.5' => 0],
['1.9' => 1],
['2.0' => 0],
[undef => 0],
[0 => 0],
while ( my ($req, $cases) = each %tests ) {
for my $case ( @$cases ) {
my ($version, $expect) = @{$case};
my $target = Pinto::Target::Package->new("Foo::Bar$req");
my $got = $target->is_satisfied_by($version);
ok $got, "Target $target should be satisfied by $version" if $expect;
ok !$got, "Target $target should not be satisfied by $version" if not $expect;
subtest 'Module::Build core status' => sub {
# Module::Build first introduced into core in perl 5.9.4
# Module::Build was upgraded to 0.038 in perl 5.13.11
# Module::Build became deprecated in perl 5.19.0
my $target = Pinto::Target::Package->new( name => 'Module::Build', version => 0.38 );
is $target->is_core( in => 'v5.6.1' ), 0, "$target is not core in perl 5.6.1";
is $target->is_core( in => 'v5.10.1' ), 0, "$target is not core in perl 5.10.1";
is $target->is_core( in => 'v5.14.2' ), 1, "$target is core in perl 5.14.2";
local $] = 5.013011;
is $target->is_core, 1, "$target is core in *this* perl, pretending we are $]";
local $] = 5.019000;
is $target->is_core, 0, "$target is deprecated in *this* perl, pretending we are $]";