The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use URI;
subtest 'Default config' => sub {
my %cases = (
root => 'nowhere',
my $cfg = Pinto::Config->new( root => 'nowhere' );
while ( my ( $method, $expect ) = each %cases ) {
my $msg = "Got default value for '$method'";
is( $cfg->$method(), $expect, $msg );
subtest 'Custom config' => sub {
my %cases = (
root => 'nowhere',
my $cfg = Pinto::Config->new(%cases);
while ( my ( $method, $expect ) = each %cases ) {
my $msg = "Got custom value for '$method'";
is( $cfg->$method(), $expect, $msg );
subtest 'Multiple sources' => sub {
my $expect = [ map { URI->new($_) } qw(here there) ];
my $cfg1 = Pinto::Config->new( root => 'anywhere', sources => 'here there' );
is_deeply( [ $cfg1->sources_list ], $expect, 'Parsed sources list' );
my $cfg2 = Pinto::Config->new( root => 'anywhere', sources => q{"here there"} );
is_deeply( [ $cfg2->sources_list ], $expect, 'Parsed sources list, with quotes' );