Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use Pinto::Tester::Util qw(make_dist_obj make_pkg_obj);
# Test package specification is as follows:
# dist_name-dist_mtime/pkg_name-pkg_version
# For example:
# Foo-1/Bar-0.3
# Means pacakge Bar version 0.3 in dist Foo with mtime 1
package_compare_ok( 'Dist-1/Pkg-undef', 'Dist-1/Pkg-1' );
package_compare_ok( 'Dist-1/Pkg-0', 'Dist-1/Pkg-1' );
package_compare_ok( 'Dist-1/Pkg-1', 'Dist-1/Pkg-2' );
package_compare_ok( 'Dist-1/Pkg-1', 'Dist-2/Pkg-1' );
package_compare_ok( 'Dist-1/Pkg-1.1.1', 'Dist-1/Pkg-1.1.2' );
package_compare_ok( 'Dist-1/Pkg-1.1.1', 'Dist-2/Pkg-1.1.1' );
# Exceptions
throws_ok { package_compare_ok( 'Dist-1/Foo-1-0', 'Dist-1/Bar-1-1' ) } qr/packages with different names/;
throws_ok { package_compare_ok( 'Dist-1/Foo-1-1', 'Dist-1/Foo-1-1' ) } qr/Unable to determine ordering/;
throws_ok { package_compare_ok( 'Dist-1/Foo-1-0', 'Dist-1/Foo-1-0' ) } qr/Unable to determine ordering/;
sub package_compare_ok {
my ( $spec_A, $spec_B, $test_name ) = @_;
$test_name = "Package A sorts before package B";
my ( $pkg_A, $pkg_B ) = map { _make_pkg($_) } ( $spec_A, $spec_B );
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my $ok = is( $pkg_A <=> $pkg_B, -1, $test_name );
diag(" A: $spec_A \n B: $spec_B") if not $ok;
return $ok;
my $id = 0;
sub _make_pkg {
my ($spec) = @_;
my ( $dist_spec, $pkg_spec ) = split '/', $spec;
my ( $dist_name, $mtime ) = split '-', $dist_spec;
my ( $pkg_name, $pkg_version, $is_local ) = split '-', $pkg_spec;
my $dist = make_dist_obj(
author => 'AUTHOR',
archive => "$dist_name-0.00.tar.gz",
mtime => $mtime || 0,
id => $id++,
my $pkg = make_pkg_obj(
name => $pkg_name,
version => $pkg_version,
distribution => $dist,
id => $id++,
return $pkg;