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use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use Pinto::Tester::Util qw(make_dist_struct parse_reg_spec);
subtest 'make_dist_struct' => sub {
my $spec = 'AUTHOR/FooAndBar-1.2 = Foo~1.2; Bar~0.0 & Baz~3.1; Nuts~2.4';
my $struct = make_dist_struct($spec);
is $struct->{cpan_author}, 'AUTHOR', 'Got author';
is $struct->{name}, 'FooAndBar', 'Got name';
is_deeply $struct->{provides}->{Foo}, { file => 'lib/', version => '1.2' };
is_deeply $struct->{provides}->{Bar}, { file => 'lib/', version => '0.0' };
is_deeply $struct->{requires}, { Baz => '3.1', Nuts => '2.4' };
is $struct->{version}, '1.2';
subtest 'parse_reg_spec' => sub {
my ( $author, $dist_archive, $pkg_name, $pkg_ver, $stack_name, $is_pinned ) =
is $author, 'AUTHOR';
is $dist_archive, 'Foo-1.2.tar.gz';
is $pkg_name, 'Foo';
is $pkg_ver, '2.0';
is $stack_name, 'my_stack';
is $is_pinned, 1;
subtest 'populate' => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
# Without .tar.gz extension
# With .tar.gz extension
# With explicit stack
# Without explicit stack