Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

use strict;
use JSON;
use Pinto::Constants qw(:stratopan);
use lib 't/lib';
# We create a multiplex locator that uses stratopan and a local repository as
# the upstream sources. But we will intercept requests to the stratopan
# locator service and supply our own response. Then we test if the locator
# returns the right location for the target (either stratopan or the mirror).
my $stratopan = $PINTO_STRATOPAN_CPAN_URI;
my $mirror = Pinto::Tester->new->populate('AUTHOR/Dist-2 = PkgA~2');
my @sources = map { URI->new($_) } ($stratopan, $mirror);
my $last_warning;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $last_warning = shift };
subtest 'Stratopan has package' => sub {
my $stratopan_location = {
package => 'PkgA',
version => '1',
uri => "$stratopan/authors/id/A/AU/AUTHOR/Dist-1.tar.gz",
my $target = Pinto::Target->new('PkgA');
my $ua = build_ua($target, 200, [$stratopan_location]);
my $mux = build_mux(@sources);
my $got = $mux->locate(target => $target);
is_deeply $got, $stratopan_location, 'Located on Stratopan';
subtest 'Mirror has package' => sub {
my $mirror_location = {
package => 'PkgA',
version => '2',
uri => "$mirror/authors/id/A/AU/AUTHOR/Dist-2.tar.gz",
my $target = Pinto::Target->new('PkgA');
my $ua = build_ua($target, 200, []);
my $mux = build_mux(@sources);
my $got = $mux->locate(target => $target);
is_deeply $got, $mirror_location, 'Located on mirror';
subtest 'Nobody has package' => sub {
my $target = Pinto::Target->new('PkgA==3');
my $ua = build_ua($target, 200, []);
my $mux = build_mux(@sources);
my $got = $mux->locate(target => $target);
is $got, undef, 'Not located anywhere';
subtest 'Want latest package (cascade)' => sub {
my $stratopan_location = {
package => 'PkgA',
version => '1',
uri => "$stratopan/authors/id/A/AU/AUTHOR/Dist-1.tar.gz",
my $mirror_location = {
package => 'PkgA',
version => '2',
uri => "$mirror/authors/id/A/AU/AUTHOR/Dist-2.tar.gz",
my $target = Pinto::Target->new('PkgA');
my $ua = build_ua($target, 200, [$stratopan_location]);
my $mux = build_mux(@sources);
my $got = $mux->locate(target => $target, cascade => 1);
is_deeply $got, $mirror_location, 'Located on mirror';
subtest 'Stratopan not responding' => sub {
my $mirror_location = {
package => 'PkgA',
version => '2',
uri => "$mirror/authors/id/A/AU/AUTHOR/Dist-2.tar.gz",
my $target = Pinto::Target->new('PkgA~2');
my $ua = build_ua($target, 500);
my $mux = build_mux(@sources);
my $got = $mux->locate(target => $target);
is_deeply $got, $mirror_location, 'Located on mirror';
like $last_warning, qr/Stratopan is not responding/, 'Got warning';
subtest 'Invalid response from Stratopan' => sub {
my $mirror_location = {
package => 'PkgA',
version => '2',
uri => "$mirror/authors/id/A/AU/AUTHOR/Dist-2.tar.gz",
my $target = Pinto::Target->new('PkgA~2');
my $ua = build_ua($target, 200, '[this is not json}');
my $mux = build_mux(@sources);
my $got = $mux->locate(target => $target);
is_deeply $got, $mirror_location, 'Located on mirror';
like $last_warning, qr/Invalid response from Stratopan/, 'Got warning';
subtest 'Stratopan has distribution' => sub {
my $stratopan_location = {
uri => "$stratopan/authors/id/A/AU/AUTHOR/Dist-1.tar.gz"
my $target = Pinto::Target->new('AUTHOR/Dist-1.tar.gz');
my $ua = build_ua($target, 200, [$stratopan_location]);
my $mux = build_mux(@sources);
my $got = $mux->locate(target => $target);
is_deeply $got, $stratopan_location, 'Located on Stratopan';
subtest 'Mirror has distribution' => sub {
my $mirror_location = {
uri => "$mirror/authors/id/A/AU/AUTHOR/Dist-2.tar.gz"
my $target = Pinto::Target->new('AUTHOR/Dist-2.tar.gz');
my $ua = build_ua($target, 200, []);
my $mux = build_mux(@sources);
my $got = $mux->locate(target => $target);
is_deeply $got, $mirror_location, 'Located on mirror';
subtest 'Locate distribution without extension' => sub {
my $mirror_location = {
uri => "$mirror/authors/id/A/AU/AUTHOR/Dist-2.tar.gz"
my $target = Pinto::Target->new('AUTHOR/Dist-2');
my $ua = build_ua($target, 200, []);
my $mux = build_mux(@sources);
my $got = $mux->locate(target => $target);
is_deeply $got, $mirror_location, 'Located on mirror';
sub build_mux {
my (@sources) = @_;
return Pinto::Locator::Multiplex->new->assemble(@sources);
sub build_ua {
my ($target, $status, $content) = @_;
$content = encode_json($content) if ref $content;
$uri->query_form(q => $target);
my $ua = $Pinto::Globals::UA = Test::LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = HTTP::Response->new($status, undef, undef, $content);
$ua->map_response(qr/\Q$uri\E/, $response);
return $ua;