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use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use Pinto::Tester::Util qw(make_dist_archive);
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
# Add a dist and pin it...
my $foo_and_bar = make_dist_archive('FooAndBar-1 = Foo~1; Bar~1');
$t->run_ok( 'Add', { author => 'ME', archives => $foo_and_bar } );
$t->run_ok( 'Pin', { targets => 'Foo' } );
# Now try and add a newer dist with an overlapping package...
my $bar_and_baz = make_dist_archive('BarAndBaz-2 = Bar~2; Baz~2');
{ author => 'ME', archives => $bar_and_baz },
qr{Unable to register},
'Cannot upgrade pinned package'
$t->stderr_like(qr{Bar is pinned});
# Now unpin the FooAndBar dist...
$t->run_ok( 'Unpin', { targets => 'Foo' } );
# Try adding the newer BarAndBaz dist again...
$t->run_ok( 'Add', { author => 'ME', archives => $bar_and_baz } );
# The older Foo and Bar packages should now be gone...
# Now pin Bar...
$t->run_ok( 'Pin', { targets => 'Bar' } );
# Foo-2 and Bar-2 should now be pinned...