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use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use Pinto::Tester::Util qw(make_dist_archive);
# This test follows RJBS' use case....
my $cpan = Pinto::Tester->new;
$cpan->populate( 'JOHN/DistA-1 = PkgA~1 & PkgB~1', 'FRED/DistB-1 = PkgB~1', );
my $local = Pinto::Tester->new( init_args => { sources => $cpan->stack_url } );
# PkgA requires PkgB (above). MyDist requires both PkgA and PkgB...
my $archive = make_dist_archive('MyDist-1=MyPkg-1 & PkgA~1; PkgB~1');
$local->run_ok( 'Add', { archives => $archive, author => 'ME' } );
# So we should have pulled in PkgA and PkgB...
# Now, suppose that PkgA and PkgB both are upgraded on CPAN
$cpan->populate( 'JOHN/DistA-2 = PkgA~2 & PkgB~2', 'FRED/DistB-2 = PkgB~2', );
$local->clear_cache; # Make sure we get new index from CPAN
# We would like to try and upgrade to PkgA-2. So create a new stack
$local->run_ok( 'Copy', { stack => 'master', to_stack => 'xxx' } );
# Now upgrade to PkgA-2 on the xxx stack
$local->run_ok( 'Pull', { targets => 'PkgA~2', stack => 'xxx' } );
# We should now have the new versions of both PkgA and PkgB on stack xxx
# But wait! We learn that PkgB-2 breaks our app. We want to be sure
# we don't upgrade that. So pin it on the master (prod) stack
$local->run_ok( 'Pin', { targets => 'PkgB' } );
# Make sure PkgB-1 is now pinned on master stack
# Ooo! Super cool DistC-1 is released to CPAN
$cpan->populate('MARK/DistC-1 = PkgC~2 & PkgB~2');
$local->clear_cache; # Make sure we get new index from CPAN
# We've gotta start using DistC-1 in production! But...
$local->run_throws_ok( 'Pull', { targets => 'MARK/DistC-1.tar.gz' }, qr{Unable to register} );
# DistC-1 requires PkgB-2, but were are still pinned at PkgB-1...
$local->stderr_like(qr{Unable to register .* PkgB is pinned to FRED/DistB-1/PkgB~1});
# After a while, we fix our code to work with PkgB-2, so we unpin...
$local->run_ok( 'Unpin', { targets => 'PkgB' } );
# Make sure PkgB-1 is not pinned on the master stack...