The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
my $dist_auth = 'AUTHOR';
my $dist_name = 'Dist-1.0.tar.gz';
my $dist_path = "$dist_auth/$dist_name";
my @auth_dir = qw(authors id A AU AUTHOR);
my @pkgs = qw(PkgA~1 PkgB~1);
my @files_to_check = (
[ @auth_dir, $dist_name ],
[ @auth_dir, 'CHECKSUMS' ],
[ qw(stacks master), @auth_dir, $dist_name ],
[ qw(stacks master), @auth_dir, 'CHECKSUMS' ],
# Add a dist...
$t->populate( "$dist_auth/$dist_name=" . join ';', @pkgs );
$t->registration_ok("$dist_auth/$dist_name/$_/master/-") for @pkgs;
# Now pin it...
$t->run_ok( Pin => { targets => 'PkgA' } );
$t->registration_ok("AUTHOR/Dist-1.0/$_/master/*") for @pkgs;
# Make extra sure it is really there
$t->path_exists_ok($_) for @files_to_check;
# Get the dist so we can look it up later
my $repo = $t->pinto->repo;
my $dist = $repo->get_distribution( author => $dist_auth, archive => $dist_name );
ok defined $dist, "Got distribution $dist_name back from DB";
# Now try to delete
$t->run_throws_ok( Delete => { targets => $dist_path }, qr/cannot be deleted/ );
# Delete with force
$t->run_ok( Delete => { targets => $dist_path, force => 1 } );
# Now make sure it is gone
my $dist_id = $dist->id;
my $schema = $repo->db->schema;
is $schema->search_distribution( { id => $dist_id } )->count, 0, 'Records are gone from distribution table';
is $schema->search_package( { distribution => $dist_id } )->count, 0, 'Records are gone from package table';
is $schema->search_registration( { distribution => $dist_id } )->count, 0, 'Records are gone from registration table';
# Make extra sure it is really gone
$t->path_not_exists_ok($_) for @files_to_check;