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use strict;
use Path::Class qw(dir);
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture_stderr);
use lib 't/lib';
use Pinto::Tester::Util qw(has_cpanm);
use Pinto::Constants qw($PINTO_MINIMUM_CPANM_VERSION);
use Pinto::Util qw(tempdir);
# To prevent mucking with user's ~/.cpanm
local $ENV{PERL_CPANM_HOME} = tempdir->stringify();
plan skip_all => "Need cpanm $PINTO_MINIMUM_CPANM_VERSION or newer"
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
$t->populate('JOHN/DistA-1 = PkgA~1 & PkgB~1; PkgC~1');
$t->populate('PAUL/DistB-1 = PkgB~1 & PkgD~2');
$t->populate('MARK/DistC-1 = PkgC~1');
$t->populate('MARK/DistC-2 = PkgC~2; PkgD~2');
subtest 'Install from default stack' => sub {
my $sandbox = File::Temp->newdir;
my $p5_dir = dir( $sandbox, qw(lib perl5) );
my %cpanm_opts = ( cpanm_options => { q => undef, L => $sandbox->dirname } );
my $stderr = capture_stderr {
$t->run_ok( Install => { targets => ['PkgA'], %cpanm_opts } );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('PkgA.pm') );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('PkgB.pm') );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('PkgC.pm') );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('PkgD.pm') );
subtest 'Install from named stack' => sub {
$t->run_ok( 'New' => { stack => 'dev' } );
$t->run_ok( 'Pull' => { targets => 'PkgA', stack => 'dev' } );
my $sandbox = File::Temp->newdir;
my $p5_dir = dir( $sandbox, qw(lib perl5) );
my %cpanm_opts = ( cpanm_options => { q => undef, L => $sandbox->dirname } );
my $stderr = capture_stderr {
$t->run_ok( Install => { targets => ['PkgA'], stack => 'dev', %cpanm_opts } );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('PkgA.pm') );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('PkgB.pm') );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('PkgC.pm') );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('PkgD.pm') );
subtest 'Install a missing target' => sub {
my $sandbox = File::Temp->newdir;
my $p5_dir = dir( $sandbox, qw(lib perl5) );
my %cpanm_opts = ( cpanm_options => { q => undef, L => $sandbox->dirname } );
my $stderr = capture_stderr {
Install => { targets => ['PkgZ'], %cpanm_opts },
qr/Installation failed/
subtest 'Install target with unusual author ID' => sub {
# Versions of cpanm before 1.6916 could not handle short author ids or those
# that contained numbers and hyphens. But miyagawa agreed to support them
# since they are allowed by CPAN::DistnameInfo.
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
$t->populate('FOO-22/DistA-1 = PkgA~1');
$t->populate('FO/DistB-1 = PkgB~1');
my $sandbox = File::Temp->newdir;
my $p5_dir = dir( $sandbox, qw(lib perl5) );
my %cpanm_opts = ( cpanm_options => { q => undef, L => $sandbox->dirname } );
my $stderr = capture_stderr {
$t->run_ok( Install => { targets => ['PkgA'], %cpanm_opts } );
$t->run_ok( Install => { targets => ['PkgB'], %cpanm_opts } );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('PkgA.pm') );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('PkgB.pm') );
local $TODO = 'Fails intermittently, not sure why';
subtest 'Install a core module' => sub {
# The index for a stack contains all the core modules that
# are in the target_perl_version, even though the repository
# doesn't actually contain perl itself. This allows installers
# to cope with requests to install core modules.
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
my $sandbox = File::Temp->newdir;
my $p5_dir = dir( $sandbox, qw(lib perl5) );
my %cpanm_opts = ( cpanm_options => { q => undef, L => $sandbox->dirname } );
capture_stderr {
$t->run_ok( Install => { targets => ['strict'], %cpanm_opts } );
file_not_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('strict.pm') );
# Inserting a dual-life module should replace the core one, and
# cpanm should install it if the version is newer that core.
$t->populate('AUTHOR/Strict-99 = strict~99');
capture_stderr {
$t->run_ok( Install => { targets => ['strict'], %cpanm_opts } );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('strict.pm') );
# TODO: Install (and maybe pull) target with complex vreq