The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
subtest "Revert to previous revision" => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
my $reg1 = 'AUTHOR/Foo-1/Foo~1';
my $rev1 = $t->get_stack->head;
my $reg2 = 'AUTHOR/Foo-2/Foo~2';
my $rev2 = $t->get_stack->head;
$t->run_ok(Revert => {});
isnt $t->get_stack->head->id, $rev2->id, 'Created a new revision';
$t->registration_ok($reg1, 'Reverted to rev1');
subtest "Revert to specific revision" => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
my $reg1 = 'AUTHOR/Foo-1/Foo~1';
my $rev1 = $t->get_stack->head;
my $reg2 = 'AUTHOR/Foo-2/Foo~2';
my $rev2 = $t->get_stack->head;
$t->run_ok(Revert => {revision => "$rev1"});
isnt $t->get_stack->head->id, $rev2->id, 'Created a new revision';
$t->registration_ok($reg1, 'Reverted to rev1');
subtest "Revert to root commit" => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
my $reg1 = 'AUTHOR/Foo-1/Foo~1';
my $rev1 = $t->get_stack->head;
my $reg2 = 'AUTHOR/Foo-2/Foo~2';
my $rev2 = $t->get_stack->head;
$t->run_ok(Revert => {revision => "0000"});
subtest "Revert to unrelated revision" => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
my $rev1 = $t->get_stack->head;
$t->run_ok(Copy => {stack => 'master', to_stack => 'other'});
$t->run_ok(Pin => {stack => 'other', targets => 'Foo'});
my $other_head = $t->get_stack('other')->head;
isnt $other_head->id, $rev1->id, 'Other stack is on different rev';
$t->run_throws_ok(Revert => {stack => 'master', revision => "$other_head"},
qr/is not an ancestor/, "Reversion to unrelated revision is prohibited");
# Forcng...
$t->run_ok(Revert => {stack => 'master', revision => "$other_head", force => 1});
subtest "Exceptions" => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
my $rev0 = $t->get_stack->head;
$t->run_throws_ok(Revert => {revision => "$rev0"},
qr/is the head of stack/, "Cannot revert to the current head");
$t->run_throws_ok(Revert => {},
qr/Cannot revert past the root/, "Cannot revert beyond root");
$t->run_ok(Unregister => {targets => 'Foo'});
$t->stack_is_empty_ok('master'); # Same state as $rev0
$t->run_throws_ok(Revert => {revision => "$rev0"},
qr/$rev0 is identical/);