The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
my $source = Pinto::Tester->new;
$source->populate('AUTHOR/DistA-1 = PkgA~1');
$source->populate('AUTHOR/DistB-1 = PkgB~1 & PkgD~1; PkgE~1'); # Depends on Pkge, but it does not exist!
$source->populate('AUTHOR/DistC-1 = PkgC~1');
$source->populate('AUTHOR/DistD-1 = PkgD~1');
# An error (missing prereq in this case) should rollback all changes...
subtest 'error causes rollback of all changes' => sub {
my $local = Pinto::Tester->new( init_args => { sources => $source->stack_url } );
$local->run_throws_ok( Pull => { targets => [qw(PkgA PkgB PkgC)] }, qr/Cannot find PkgE~1 anywhere/ );
# None of the packages should be registered because one failed...
# And none of their archives should be on the filesystem...
$local->path_not_exists_ok( [qw(stacks master authors id A AU AUTHOR DistA-1.tar.gz)] );
$local->path_not_exists_ok( [qw(stacks master authors id A AU AUTHOR DistB-1.tar.gz)] );
$local->path_not_exists_ok( [qw(stacks master authors id A AU AUTHOR DistD-1.tar.gz)] );
$local->path_not_exists_ok( [qw(stacks master authors id A AU AUTHOR DistC-1.tar.gz)] );
# If the no_fail flag is set, then only the failed ones should be rollback...
subtest 'error with no_fail flag only rolls back failed changes' => sub {
my $local = Pinto::Tester->new( init_args => { sources => $source->stack_url } );
Pull => { targets => [qw(PkgA PkgB PkgC)], no_fail => 1 },
qr/Cannot find PkgE~1 anywhere/, 'Result still a failure, even with no_fail'
# We should see a log message saying that B failed, because E was missing...
$local->stderr_like(qr/Cannot find PkgE~1 anywhere/);
$local->stderr_like(qr/PkgB~0 failed...continuing/);
# Both A and C should be registered...
$local->registration_ok( 'AUTHOR/DistA-1/PkgA~1/master', 'Target before failure ok' );
$local->registration_ok( 'AUTHOR/DistC-1/PkgC~1/master', 'Target after failure ok' );
# But B (the middle target) should not...
$local->registration_not_ok( 'AUTHOR/DistB-1/PkgB~1/master', 'But failed target should not be there' );
# Nor should any of B's prereqs...
$local->registration_not_ok( 'AUTHOR/DistD-1/PkgD~1/master', 'Dependency of failed target was unregisted' );
# In fact, they shouldn't even exist in the DB...
my $DistD = $local->pinto->repo->get_distribution( author => 'AUTHOR', archive => 'DistD-1.tar.gz' );
is $DistD, undef, 'Depedency of failed target is gone completely';
# However, the archive for B and its prereq D will still be on the filesystem...
my @dist_B = qw(stacks master authors id A AU AUTHOR DistB-1.tar.gz);
my @dist_D = qw(stacks master authors id A AU AUTHOR DistD-1.tar.gz);
$local->path_exists_ok( \@dist_B );
$local->path_exists_ok( \@dist_D );
# If we clean up those files...
# Then they should both be gone...
$local->path_not_exists_ok( \@dist_B );
$local->path_not_exists_ok( \@dist_D );