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use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
local $Pinto::Globals::current_username = 'ME';
my $source = Pinto::Tester->new;
my $source_url = $source->stack_url;
$source->populate('AUTHOR/A-1 = PkgA~1 & PkgB');
$source->populate('AUTHOR/B-1 = PkgB~1');
subtest 'No message specified' => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new( init_args => { sources => $source_url } );
$t->run_ok( Pull => {targets => 'PkgA'} );
my $revision = $t->get_stack->head;
is $revision->username, 'ME',
'Revision was committed by ME';
is $revision->message_title, 'Pull AUTHOR/A-1.tar.gz',
'Message has correct title';
is $revision->message_body, '',
'Message body is empty';
is $revision->message, 'Pull AUTHOR/A-1.tar.gz',
'Full message is title only';
subtest 'Use default message' => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new( init_args => { sources => $source_url } );
$t->run_ok( Pull => {targets => 'PkgA', use_default_message => 1} );
my $revision = $t->get_stack->head;
is $revision->username, 'ME',
'Revision was committed by ME';
is $revision->message_title, 'Pull AUTHOR/A-1.tar.gz',
'Message has correct title';
is $revision->message_body, q{},
'Message body is empty';
is $revision->message, 'Pull AUTHOR/A-1.tar.gz',
'Full message is title only';
subtest 'Use custom message, title only' => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new( init_args => { sources => $source_url } );
$t->run_ok( Pull => {targets => 'PkgA', message => "TITLE\n\n"} );
my $revision = $t->get_stack->head;
is $revision->username, 'ME',
'Revision was committed by ME';
is $revision->message_title, 'TITLE',
'Message has correct title (trailing whitespace chomped)';
is $revision->message_body, q{},
'Message has correct body.';
is $revision->message, "TITLE\n\n",
'Full message is correct (trailing whitespace intact)';
subtest 'Use custom message, title and body' => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new( init_args => { sources => $source_url } );
$t->run_ok( Pull => {targets => 'PkgA', message => "TITLE\n\nBODY\n"} );
my $revision = $t->get_stack->head;
is $revision->username, 'ME',
'Revision was committed by ME';
is $revision->message_title, 'TITLE',
'Message has correct title (trailing whitespace chomped)';
is $revision->message_body, 'BODY',
'Message has correct body (trailng whitespace chomped)';
is $revision->message, "TITLE\n\nBODY\n",
'Full message is correct (trailing whitespace intact)';
subtest 'Custom message is just whitespace' => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new( init_args => { sources => $source_url } );
$t->run_ok( Pull => {targets => 'PkgA', message => " \n \n "} );
my $revision = $t->get_stack->head;
is $revision->username, 'ME',
'Revision was committed by ME';
is $revision->message_title, 'Pull AUTHOR/A-1.tar.gz',
'Message has correct title';
is $revision->message_body, q{},
'Message body is empty';
is $revision->message, 'Pull AUTHOR/A-1.tar.gz',
'Full message is correct';
subtest 'Targets are sorted and de-duped' => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new( init_args => { sources => $source_url } );
$t->run_ok( Pull => {targets => [qw(PkgB PkgA PkgB PkgA)]} );
my $revision = $t->get_stack->head;
is $revision->message_title, 'Pull AUTHOR/A-1.tar.gz, AUTHOR/B-1.tar.gz',
'Message has correct title';
subtest 'Re-pulling target AND missing prereqs' => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new( init_args => { sources => $source_url } );
$t->run_ok( Pull => {targets => 'PkgA', recurse => 0} ); # Without prereqs
$t->run_ok( Pull => {targets => [qw(PkgA PkgB)], recurse => 1} ); # With prereqs
my $revision = $t->get_stack->head;
is $revision->message_title, 'Pull AUTHOR/A-1.tar.gz',
'Message has correct title';
subtest 'Some targets fail' => sub {
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new( init_args => { sources => $source_url } );
$t->pinto->run( Pull => {targets => [qw(PkgA PkgC)], no_fail => 1} );
my $revision = $t->get_stack->head;
is $revision->message_title, 'Pull AUTHOR/A-1.tar.gz',
'Message has correct title';