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use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
# Module::Build was first introduced in perl 5.9.4 as 0.2805
# Module::Build~0.2808_01 entered perl in 5.10.0
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
$t->populate('AUTHOR/Foo-1 = Foo-1 & Bar~1; perl~5.6.0; strict');
$t->populate('AUTHOR/Bar-1 = Bar-1 & Module::Build~0.2808_01');
my $dist = $t->pinto->repo->get_distribution( path => 'A/AU/AUTHOR/Foo-1.tar.gz' );
ok defined $dist, 'Got Foo distribution from repo';
my @total_prereqs = $dist->prerequisites;
is scalar @total_prereqs, 3, 'Dist Foo has correct number of prereqs';
my %bar = ( 'Bar' => '1' );
my %mb = ( 'Module::Build' => '0.2808_01' );
my %core = ( 'perl' => 'v5.6.0', 'strict' => '0' );
my %test_cases = (
'v5.10.0' => {%bar},
'v5.9.4' => { %bar, %mb },
'v5.6.0' => { %bar, %mb },
'0' => { %bar, %mb, %core },
while ( my ( $pv, $expect ) = each %test_cases ) {
my $walked_prereqs = {};
my $cb = sub {
my ($prereq) = @_;
$walked_prereqs->{ $prereq->package_name } = $prereq->package_version;
return $t->pinto->repo->get_distribution( target => $prereq->as_target );
# If $pv is not a true value, then do not make a filter
my %filter = $pv ? ( filters => [ sub { $_[0]->is_perl || $_[0]->is_core( in => $pv ) } ] ) : ();
my $walker = Pinto::PrerequisiteWalker->new( start => $dist, callback => $cb, %filter );
while ( $walker->next ) { }
my $test_name = "Got expected prereqs against perl version $pv";
is_deeply $walked_prereqs, $expect, $test_name;