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use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use Pinto::Tester::Util qw(make_dist_archive);
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
subtest 'create new stack' => sub {
# Create a new stack...
my $stk_name = 'dev';
$t->run_ok( New => { stack => $stk_name } );
my $stack = $t->pinto->repo->get_stack($stk_name);
is $stack->name, $stk_name, 'Got correct stack name';
# Add to the stack...
my $foo_and_bar_1 = make_dist_archive('FooAndBar-1 = Foo~1; Bar~1');
$t->run_ok( Add => { author => 'ME', stack => $stk_name, archives => $foo_and_bar_1 } );
# Note the time of last commit
my $old_mtime = $stack->refresh->head->utc_time;
# time passes
sleep 2;
# Add more stuff to the stack...
my $foo_and_bar_2 = make_dist_archive('FooAndBar-2 = Foo~2; Bar~2');
$t->run_ok( Add => { author => 'ME', stack => $stk_name, archives => $foo_and_bar_2 } );
# Check that mtime was updated...
cmp_ok $stack->refresh->head->utc_time, '>', $old_mtime, 'Updated stack mtime';
subtest 'copy stack' => sub {
# Copy dev -> qa...
my $dev_stk_name = 'dev';
my $qa_stk_name = 'qa';
$t->run_ok( Copy => { stack => $dev_stk_name, to_stack => $qa_stk_name } );
my $dev_stack = $t->pinto->repo->get_stack($dev_stk_name);
my $qa_stack = $t->pinto->repo->get_stack($qa_stk_name);
is $qa_stack->name, $qa_stk_name, 'Got correct stack name';
is $qa_stack->description, 'Copy of stack dev', 'Got correct stack description';
is $qa_stack->head->id, $dev_stack->head->id, 'Head of copied stack points to head of original stack';
subtest 'copy stack with changes' => sub {
# Copy with extra stuff
my $dev_stk_name = 'dev';
my $xtra_stk_name = 'xtra';
Copy => {
stack => $dev_stk_name,
to_stack => $xtra_stk_name,
description => 'custom',
lock => 1
my $xtra_stack = $t->pinto->repo->get_stack($xtra_stk_name);
is $xtra_stack->is_locked, 1, 'Copied stack is locked';
is $xtra_stack->description, 'custom', 'Copied stack has custom description';
subtest 'mark stack as default' => sub {
# Marking default stack...
my $master_stack = $t->pinto->repo->get_stack;
ok defined $master_stack, 'get_stack with no args returned a stack';
ok $master_stack->is_default, 'master stack is the default stack';
my $dev_stack = $t->pinto->repo->get_stack('dev');
ok defined $dev_stack, 'got the dev stack';
ok $dev_stack->is_default, 'dev stack is now default';
# Force reload from DB...
ok !$master_stack->is_default, 'master stack is no longer default';
throws_ok { $master_stack->is_default(0) } qr/Cannot directly set is_default/,
'Setting is_default directly throws exception';
# Mixed-case stack names...
subtest 'stack with mixed-case name' => sub {
New => { stack => 'MixedCase' },
'Created stack with mixed-case name'
ok $t->pinto->repo->get_stack('mixedcase'), 'Got stack using name with different case';
$t->path_exists_ok( [qw( stacks MixedCase)], 'Stack directory name has mixed-case name too' );
# Exceptions...
subtest 'stack exceptions' => sub {
# Copy from a stack that doesn't exist
Copy => {
stack => 'nowhere',
to_stack => 'somewhere'
qr/Stack nowhere does not exist/
# Copy to a stack that already exists
Copy => {
stack => 'master',
to_stack => 'dev'
qr/Stack dev already exists/
# Copy to a stack that already exists, but with different case
Copy => {
stack => 'master',
to_stack => 'DeV'
qr/Stack dev already exists/
# Create stack with invalid name
New => { stack => '$bogus@' },
qr/must be alphanumeric/
# Copy to stack with invalid name
Copy => {
stack => 'master',
to_stack => '$bogus@'
qr/must be alphanumeric/
# Copy to stack with no name
Copy => {
stack => 'master',
to_stack => ''
qr/must be alphanumeric/
# Copy to stack with undef name
Copy => {
stack => 'master',
to_stack => undef
qr/must be alphanumeric/