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use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
my $t = Pinto::Tester->new;
subtest 'create stack' => sub {
# Create a stack...
my $stack = $t->pinto->repo->create_stack( name => 'test' );
# Set a property...
$stack->set_property( a => 1 );
is $stack->get_property('a'), 1, 'set/get one property';
# Set several properties...
$stack->set_properties( { b => 2, c => 3 } );
is_deeply $stack->get_properties, { a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 }, 'get/set many props at once';
# Copy stack...
my $new_stack = $t->pinto->repo->copy_stack( stack => $stack, name => 'qa' );
my $new_props = $new_stack->get_properties;
# All the copied properties should be identical
is_deeply $new_props, $stack->get_properties, 'Copied stack has same properties';
# Delete a property...
ok !exists $new_stack->get_properties->{'a'}, 'Deleted a prop';
# Delete a property by setting to empty string...
$new_stack->set_property( a => '' );
ok !exists $new_stack->get_properties->{'a'}, 'Deleted a prop by setting to empty';
# Invalid property name..
throws_ok { $new_stack->set_property( 'foo#bar' => 4 ) } qr{Invalid property name};
# Property names forced to lowercase...
$new_stack->set_property( SHOUTING => 4 );
ok exists $new_stack->get_properties->{'shouting'}, 'Get/Set property irrespective of case';
# Property names forced to lowercase...
ok !exists $new_stack->get_properties->{'shouting'}, 'Delete property irrespective of case';