The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture_stderr);
use lib 't/lib';
use Pinto::Tester::Util qw(make_htpasswd_file has_cpanm);
use Pinto::Constants qw($PINTO_MINIMUM_CPANM_VERSION);
use Pinto::Util qw(tempdir);
# To prevent mucking with user's ~/.cpanm. See GH #170.
local $ENV{PERL_CPANM_HOME} = tempdir->stringify();
# To prevent failures due to a proxy. See GH #202.
local $ENV{no_proxy} = "localhost";
plan skip_all => "Need cpanm $PINTO_MINIMUM_CPANM_VERSION or newer"
# Setup the server
my $htpasswd = make_htpasswd_file(qw(my_login my_password));
my @auth = ( qw(--auth backend=Passwd --auth), "path=$htpasswd" );
my $t = Pinto::Server::Tester->new( pintod_opts => \@auth )->start_server;
plan skip_all => "Can't open connection to $t" unless $t->can_connect;
$t->populate('JOHN/DistA-1 = PkgA~1 & PkgB~1; PkgC~1');
$t->populate('PAUL/DistB-1 = PkgB~1 & PkgD~2');
$t->populate('MARK/DistC-1 = PkgC~1');
$t->populate('MARK/DistC-2 = PkgC~2; PkgD~2');
subtest 'Remote install succeeds with valid credentials' => sub {
my %creds = ( username => 'my_login', password => 'my_password' );
my $remote = Pinto::Remote->new( root => $t->server_url, %creds );
my $sandbox = File::Temp->newdir;
my $p5_dir = dir( $sandbox, qw(lib perl5) );
my %cpanm_opts = ( cpanm_options => { q => undef, L => $sandbox->dirname } );
my $result;
capture_stderr {
$result = $remote->run( Install => ( targets => ['PkgA'], %cpanm_opts ) );
is $result->was_successful, 1;
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('') );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('') );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('') );
file_exists_ok( $p5_dir->file('') );
subtest 'Remote install fails with invalid credentials' => sub {
my %creds = ( username => 'my_login', password => 'bogus' );
my $remote = Pinto::Remote->new( root => $t->server_url, %creds );
my $sandbox = File::Temp->newdir;
my $p5_dir = dir( $sandbox, qw(lib perl5) );
my %cpanm_opts = ( cpanm_options => { q => undef, L => $sandbox->dirname } );
my $result;
capture_stderr {
$result = $remote->run( Install => ( targets => ['PkgA'], %cpanm_opts ) );
is $result->was_successful, 0;
like $result, qr/Installation failed/;
subtest 'Remote install fails with no credentials' => sub {
diag "You will see an error message here. Do not be alarmed.";
my %creds = ();
my $remote = Pinto::Remote->new( root => $t->server_url, %creds );
my $sandbox = File::Temp->newdir;
my $p5_dir = dir( $sandbox, qw(lib perl5) );
my %cpanm_opts = ( cpanm_options => { q => undef, L => $sandbox->dirname } );
my $result;
capture_stderr {
$result = $remote->run( Install => ( targets => ['PkgA'], %cpanm_opts ) );
is $result->was_successful, 0;
like $result, qr/Installation failed/;