Changes for version 0.040_002 - 2012-05-04

  • Added interface for Action::Install. Still alpha testing.

Changes for version 0.040_001 - 2012-05-01

  • This is a developer release for alpha testing the stacks feature.


What Pinto is, and how to use it


Common modules for the pinto-* utilities
Constants used across the Pinto utilities
Specifies a distribution by author and path fragments
Base class for Pinto exceptions
Trait for marking attributes as something to POST
Specifies a package by name and version
Something that has a distribution archives attribute
Something that has an author id attribute
Something that has a description attribute
Something that has a dryrun attribute
Something that has a norecurse attribute
Something that has an output handle attribute
Something that has a pause config attribute
Something that has a pin attribute
Something that has a stack attribute
Something that has a target attribute
Something that has a username attribute
Base interface for all Actions
Interface for Action::Add
Interface for Action::Copy
Interface for Action::Edit
Interface for Action::Install
Interface for Action::List
Interface for Action::Merge
Interface for Action::New
Interface for Action::Nop;
Interface for Action::Pin
Interface for Action::Props
Interface for Action::Pull
Interface for Action::Stacks
Interface for Action::Statistics
Interface for Action::Unpin
Interface for Action::Verify
Moose types used within Pinto