Changes for version 0.062 - 2012-11-07

  • This distribution now contains Pinto::Util, which used to be part of the Pinto core. To make PAUSE happy, it needs to have a higher version number than the last release when it was in the Pinto core. Hence the big jump in the version number since the last release of this distribution.


Entry point for Pinto documentation
Why Pinto exists
A condensed summary of Pinto
A narrative introduction to Pinto


Common libraries for the Pinto suite
Constants used across the Pinto utilities
Specifies a distribution by author and path fragments
Base class for Pinto exceptions
Global variables used across the Pinto utilities
Specifies a package by name and version
Something that has a pause config attribute
Create Spec objects from strings
Moose types used within Pinto
Static utility functions for Pinto