Pinto::Util - Static utility functions for Pinto
version 0.064
This is a private module for internal use only. There is nothing for you to see here (yet). All API documentation is purely for my own reference.
author_dir( @base, $author )
Given the name of an $author
, returns the directory where the distributions for that author belong (as a Path::Class::Dir). The optional @base
can be a series of Path::Class:Dir or path parts (as strings). If @base
is given, it will be prepended to the directory that is returned.
itis( $var, $class )
Asserts whether var is a blessed reference and is an instance of the $class
parse_dist_path( $path )
Parses a path like one would see in the URL to a distribution in a CPAN repository and returns the author and file name of the distribution. Other subdirectories in the path are ignored.
isa_perl( $path_or_url )
Return true if $path_or_url
appears to point to a release of perl itself. This is based on some file naming patterns that I've seen in the wild. It may not be completely accurate.
is_vcs_file( $path );
Returns true if $path
appears to point to a file that is an internal part of a VCS system.
mtime( $file )
Returns the last modification time (in epoch seconds) for the file
. The argument is required and the file must exist or an exception will be thrown.
md5( $file )
Returns the MD-5
digest (as a hex string) for the $file
. The argument is required and the file must exist on an exception will be thrown.
sha256( $file )
Returns the SHA-256
digest (as a hex string) for the $file
. The argument is required and the file must exist on an exception will be thrown.
validate_property_name( $prop_name )
Throws an exception if the property name is invalid. Currently, property names must be alphanumeric plus any underscores or hyphens.
validate_stack_name( $stack_name )
Throws an exception if the stack name is invalid. Currently, stack names must be alphanumeric plus underscores or hyphens.
Returns the current time (in epoch seconds) unless the current time has been overridden by $Pinto::Globals::current_time
Returns the id of the current user unless it has been overridden by $Pinto::Globals::current_user
Returns true if the process is connected to an interactive terminal (i.e. a keyboard & screen) unless it has been overridden by $Pinto::Globals::is_interactive
Performs interpolation on a literal string. The string should not include anything that looks like a variable. Only metacharacters (like \n) will be interpolated correctly.
Returns the string with all leading and trailing whitespace removed.
Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Imaginative Software Systems.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.