App::Pinto::Remote::Command::remove - remove a distribution from the remote repository


version 0.030


pinto-remote --root=URL remove [OPTIONS] DISTRIBUTION_PATH


This command removes a distribution from the repository.


The argument to this command is the file name of the distribution you wish to remove. You must specify the complete file name, including version number and extension. The precise identity of the distribution that will be removed depends on who you are. So if you are JOE and you ask to remove Foo-1.0.tar.gz then you are really asking to remove J/JO/JOE/Foo-1.0.tar.gz.

To remove a distribution that was added by another author, use the --author option to change who you are. Or you can just explicitly specify the full index path of the distribution. So the following two examples are equivalent:

$> pinto-remote --root=http://my.server:3000 remove --author=SUSAN Foo-1.0.tar.gz
$> pinto-remote --root=http://my.server:3000 remove S/SU/SUSAN/Foo-1.0.tar.gz



Sets your identity as a distribution author. The NAME can only be alphanumeric characters only (no spaces) and will be forced to uppercase. The default is your username.


Prepends the MESSAGE to the VCS log message that Pinto generates. This is only relevant if you are using a VCS-based storage mechanism for Pinto.


Instructs Pinto to tag the head revision of the repository at NAME. This is only relevant if you are using a VCS-based storage mechanism. The syntax of the NAME depends on the type of VCS you are using.


Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Imaginative Software Systems.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.