txdtotex - create a LaTeX table out of some textual data (file)


pipe | txdtotex >> doc.tex

These are the general rules for specifying parameters to this program:

txdtotex -s -xyz -s=value --long --long=value [--] [files/stuff]

You mention the parameters/switches you want to change in any order or even multiple times (they are processed in the oder given, later operations overriding/extending earlier settings. An only mentioned short/long name (no "=value") means setting to 1, which is true in the logical sense. Also, prepending + instead of the usual - negates this, setting the value to 0 (false). Specifying "-s" and "--long" is the same as "-s=1" and "--long=1", while "+s" and "++long" is the sames as "-s=0" and "--long=0".

There are also different operators than just "=" available, notably ".=", "+=", "-=", "*=" and "/=" for concatenation / appending array/hash elements and scalar arithmetic operations on the value. Arrays are appended to via "array.=element", hash elements are set via "hash.=name=value".

The available parameters are these, default values (in Perl-compatible syntax) at the time of generating this document following the long/short names:

align, a (scalar)

alignment of columns (c,r,l)

block (scalar)

put all the numbers of a colum into a block, including proper formatting for digits (works for one file via stdin)

cfont, c (scalar)

font to use in cells, i.e. ttfamily or mathtt with cmath

cmath, m (scalar)

use math mode for cells (also replacing e+3 with \E macro that should be defined as \cdot 10^{#1})

config, I (array)

Which configfile(s) to use (overriding automatic search in likely paths); special: just -I or --config causes printing a current config file to STDOUT

convert, r (scalar)

convert , -> . and . -> ,

dot (scalar)

the dot (after convert), "." or ","

help, h (scalar)

show the help message; 1: normal help, >1: more help; "par": help for paramter "par" only

Additional fun with negative values, optionally followed by comma-separated list of parameter names: -1: list par names, -2: list one line per name, -3: -2 without builtins, -10: dump values (Perl style), -11: dump values (lines), -100: print POD.

numform, N (scalar)

format to use for numbers (semicolon-separated list for per-column formats) as sprintf wants it (p.ex. %0.4f) - use this for rounding...

placement, p (scalar)

special wishes for placement (the h in \begin{table}[h])

strict, S (scalar)

use strict syntax

text, T (scalar)

allow text to occur in data fields

version (scalar)

print out the program version


Thomas Orgis <>


Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Thomas Orgis, Free Software licensed under the same terms as Perl 5.10