Heap::Simple - A fast and simple classic heap
use Heap::Simple;
# Create a heap
my $heap = Heap::Simple;
my $heap = Heap::Simple->new(%options);
# Put data in the hash
# Extract data
$element = $heap->extract_min;
# Extract all data whose key is not above a given value
@elements = $heap->extract_upto($max_key);
# Look which data is first without extracting
$element = $heap->first;
# Find the lowest value in the hep
$min_key = $heap->first_key; # returns undef on an empty heap
$min_key = $heap->min_key; # return +inf on an empty heap
# Find the number of entries
$count = $heap->count;
# Get/Set user_data
$user_data = $heap->user_data;
$old_data = $heap->user_data($new_data);
# Get the position of a key in an element
$key_index = $heap->key_index;
$key_name = $heap->key_name;
A heap is a partially sorted structure where it's always easy to extract the smallest element. If the collection of elements is changing dynamically, a heap has less overhead than keeping the collection fully sorted.
The order in which equal elements get extracted is unspecified.
The main order relations supported by this module are "<" (numeric compare) and "lt" (string compare).
The module allows you to manage data where the elements are of several allowed types, in particular array references, hash references, objects or just the keys themselves.
The internals of the module do nothing with the elements inserted except inspecting the key. This means that if you for example store a blessed object, that's what you will get back on extract. It's also ok to keep references to the elements around and make changes to them while they are in the heap as long as you don't change the key.
- my $heap = Heap::Simple->new
This simplest form creates a new (empty) heap object able to hold numeric keys.
You could for example use this to print a list of numbers from low to high:
use Heap::Simple; my $heap = Heap::Simple->new; $heap->insert($_) for 8, 3, 14, -1, 3; print $heap->extract_min, " " for 1..$heap->count; print "\n"; # Will print: -1 3 3 8 14
This example is silly of course. You could just as well directly use perl sort. But in real applications you would do the inserting interleaved with extracting and always keeping the list sorted would become inefficient for big lists. That is where you would use a heap. The examples we give will however be like the one above so you can quickly see the way in which the methods are supposed to be called.
For some applications this basic usage where you just store numeric keys will be good enough, but usually you want to be able to store more complex elements.
Several options can help you with that:
- order => $order
$order indicates what operation is used to compare keys. Supported orders are:
- <
Indicates that keys are compared as numbers, and extraction is lowest value first. This is actually the default order, so the example above could have used:
my $heap = Heap::Simple->new(order => "<");
and the result would have been exactly the same.
- lt
Indicates that the keys are compared as strings, and extraction is lowest value first. So we could modify the above example to:
use Heap::Simple; my $heap = Heap::Simple->new(order => "lt"); $heap->insert($_) for "ate", 8, 3, "zzzz", 14, -1, 3, "at"; print $heap->extract_min, " " for 1..$heap->count; print "\n"; # Will print: -1 14 3 3 8 at ate zzzz
Notice how 14 comes before 3 as you would expect in lexical sorting.
- elements => $element_type
This option describes what sort of elements we will store in the heap. The only reason the module needs to know this is to determine how to access the key values.
The following element types are currently supported:
- ["Key"]
Indicates that the elements are the keys itself. This is the default if no elements option is provided. So the constructor in the previous example could also have been written as:
my $heap = Heap::Simple->new(order => "lt", elements => ["Key"]);
- [Array => $index]
Indicates that the elements are array references, with the key at index $index. So now the element can be not just the key, but also associated data. We can use this to for example print the values of a hash ordered by key:
use Heap::Simple; my $heap = Heap::Simple->new(order => "lt", elements => [Array => 0]); while (my ($key, $val) = each %hash) { $heap->insert([$key, $val]); } for (1..$heap->count) { print $heap->extract_min->[1], "\n"; }
You can always use something like [$key, @data] to pair up keys and data, so the "Array" element type is rather generally useful. Since it's so common to put the key in the first position, you may in fact drop the index in that case, so the constructor in the previous example could also be written as:
my $heap = Heap::Simple->new(order => "lt", elements => ["Array"]);
In case the elements you want to store are array (or array based objects (or fields based objects) and you are prepared to break the object encapsulation), this element type is also very nice. If for example the value on which you want to order is a number at position 4, you could use:
my $heap = Heap::Simple->new(elements => [Array => 4]); print "The key is $object->[4]\n"; $heap->insert($object);
- [Hash => $key_name]
Indicates that the elements are hash references, where the key (for the heap element) is the value $element->{$key_name} .
Redoing the Array example in Hash style gives:
use Heap::Simple; my $heap = Heap::Simple->new(order => "lt", elements => [Hash => "tag"]); while (my ($key, $val) = each %hash) { $heap->insert({tag => $key, value => $val}); } for (1..$heap->count) { print $heap->extract_min->{value}, "\n"; }
In case the elements you want to store are hashes (or based objects and you are prepared to break the object encapsulation), this element type is also very nice. If for example the value on which you want to order is a number with key "price", you could use:
my $heap = Heap::Simple->new(elements => [Hash => "price"]); print "The key is $object->{price}\n"; $heap->insert($object);
- user_data => $user_data
You can associate one scalar worth of user data with any heap. This option allows you to set its value already at object creation. You can use the user_data method to get/set the associated value.
If this option is not given, the heap starts with "undef" associated to it.
my $heap = Heap::Simple->new(user_data => "foo"); print $heap->user_data, "\n"; # prints foo
- $heap->insert($element)
Inserts the $element in the heap. On extraction you get back exactly the same $array_ref as you inserted, including a possible blessing.
- $element = $heap->extract_min
For all elements in the heap, find the one with the lowest key, remove it from the heap and return it.
Throws an exception if the heap is empty.
- @elements = $heap->extract_upto($value)
Finds all elements in the heap whose key is not above $value and removes them from the heap. The list of removed element is returned ordered by key value (low to high).
Returns an empty list for the empty heap.
use Heap::Simple; my $heap = Heap::Simple->new; $heap->insert($_) for 8, 3, 14, -1, 3; print join(", ", $heap->extract_upto(3)), "\n"; # prints -1, 3, 3
- $element = $heap->first
For all elements in the heap, find the one with the lowest key and return it. Returns undef in case the heap is empty. The contents of the heap remain unchanged.
Since the data returned from a non-empty heap can usually not be undef, you could use this method to check if a heap is empty, but it's probably more natural to use count for that.
use Heap::Simple; my $heap = Heap::Simple->new; $heap->insert($_) for 8, 3, 14, -1, 3; print $heap->first, "\n"; # prints -1
- $min_key = $heap->first_key
Looks for the lowest key in the heap and returns its value. Returns undef in case the heap is empty
use Heap::Simple; my $heap = Heap::Simple->new; $heap->insert($_) for 8, 3, 14, -1, 3; print $heap->first_key, "\n"; # prints -1
- $min_key = $heap->min_key
Looks for the lowest key in the heap and returns its value. Returns the highest possible value (infinity) in case the heap is empty. This method does not exist for heap types whose keys have no highest value (like order => "lt").
use Heap::Simple; my $heap = Heap::Simple->new; $heap->insert($_) for 8, 3, 14, -1, 3; print $heap->min_key, "\n"; # prints -1
- $count = $heap->count
Returns the number of entries in the heap.
use Heap::Simple; my $heap = Heap::Simple->new; $heap->insert($_) for 8, 3, 14, -1, 3; print $heap->count, "\n"; # prints 5
- $user_data = $heap->user_data
Queries the user_data associated with the heap.
- $old_data = $heap->user_data($new_data)
Associates new user_data with the heap. Returns the old value.
- $key_index = $heap->key_index
Returns the index of the key for array reference based heaps. Doesn't exist for the other heap types.
- $key_name = $heap->key_name
Returns the name of the key key for hash reference based heaps. Doesn't exist for the other heap types.
Ton Hospel, <Heap::Simple@home.lunix>
Parts are based on code by Joseph N. Hall (
Copyright 2003 by Ton Hospel
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.