Tie::Cacher - Cache a (sub)set of tag/value pairs. Tie and OO interface.
# The Object Oriented interface:
use Tie::Cacher;
$cache = Tie::Cacher->new($max_count);
$cache = Tie::Cacher->new(%options);
$cache = Tie::Cacher->new(\%options);
$cache->store($key, $value);
$value = $cache->fetch($key);
$node = $cache->fetch_node($key);
$nr_keys = $cache->keys;
@keys = $cache->keys;
@keys = $cache->recent_keys;
@keys = $cache->old_keys;
$key = $cache->most_recent_key;
$key = $cache->oldest_key;
$key = $cache->first_key;
($key, $value) = $cache->first_key;
$key = $cache->next_key;
($key, $value) = $cache->next_key;
$exists = $cache->exists($key);
$value = $cache->delete(@keys);
@values = $cache->delete(@keys);
$nr_keys = $cache->count;
$hit = $cache->hit;
$missed = $cache->missed;
$max_count = $cache->max_count;
$validate = $cache->validate;
$load = $cache->load;
$save = $cache->save;
$user_data = $cache->user_data;
# The Tie interface:
use Tie::Cacher;
$tied = tie %cache, 'Tie::Cache', $max_count;
$tied = tie %cache, 'Tie::Cache', %options;
$tied = tie %cache, 'Tie::Cache', {%options};
# cache supports normal tied hash functions
$cache{1} = 2; # STORE
print "$cache{1}\n"; # FETCH
print "Yes\n" if exists $cache{1}; # EXISTS
@keys = keys %cache; # KEYS
while(($k, $v) = each %cache) { print "$k: $v\n"; }
delete $cache{1}; # DELETE
%cache = (); # CLEAR
# Or use the OO methods on the underlying tied object:
print $tied->max_count, "\n";
This module implements a least recently used (LRU) cache in memory through a tie and a OO interface. Any time a key/value pair is fetched or stored, an entry time is associated with it, and as the cache fills up, those members of the cache that are the oldest are removed to make room for new entries.
So, the cache only "remembers" the last written entries, up to the size of the cache. This can be especially useful if you access great amounts of data, but only access a minority of the data a majority of the time.
The implementation is a hash, for quick lookups, overlaying a doubly linked list for quick insertion and deletion. Notice that the OO interface will be faster than the tie interface.
Notice that in the methods you will see a number of places where a node is returned where you might have expected a value or a reference to a value. This node is an array reference that actually has the value at index 0, followed by a few internal fields. You are however free to put extra associated data in this array after them or even do things like bless the array. This gives you an easy way to decorate values.
- $cache = Tie::Cacher->new($max_count)
- $cache = Tie::Cacher->new(%options)
- $cache = Tie::Cacher->new(\%options)
Creates a new Tie::Cache object. Will throw an exception on failure (the only possible failures are invalid arguments).
Options are name value pairs, where the following are currently recognized:
- validate => \&code
If this option is given, whenever a data fetch or fetch_node is done (notice that when using the tied interface, a list context each implies a fetch for the value) and the requested key already exists, the given code is called like:
$validate->($cache, $key, $node)
where $node is an internal array reference. You can access the current value corresponding to the key as $node->[0]. The code should either return true, indicating the value is still valid, or false, meaning it's not valid anymore.
In the invalid case the current entry gets removed and the fetch proceeds as if the key had not been found (which includes a possible load).
In the valid case, you may in fact change the value through $node->[0] before returning. (That way you can save a call to load, but there won't be any implied save call, so you'll have to do that yourself if you want it).
If the code dies, the exception will be passed to the application, but The hit counter will have been increased and the key will have been marked as recently used.
- load => \&load
If this option is given, whenever a data fetch or fetch_node is done (notice that when using the tied interface, a list context each implies a fetch for the value) and the requested key does not exist (or is declared invalid by a validate returning false), the given code is called like:
$load->($cache, $key, $node)
The $load code reference should now somehow get a value corresponding to $key (e.g. by looking it up in a database or doing a complex calculation or whatever) and then store this new value in $node->[0]. If it fails it should throw an exception (which will not be caught and passed on to the caller of fetch or fetch_node. However, an entry for the key will have been created (with value undef), but no save callback will be called for it).
- save => \&save
If this option is given, it will be called whenever a new value enters the cache, which means on store or just after a load (triggered by a fetch or fetch_node). It's not called if you store a value in a validate callback.
The code is called like:
$save->($cache, $key, $node)
where the value is in $node->[0].
If this code dies, the exception is passed on to the application, but the value will remain in the cache.
- max_count => size
If this option is given, the cache has a maximum number of entries. Whenever you store a key/value pair and this would cause the cache to grow beyong the given size, the oldest entry will be dropped from the cache to make place.
- user_data => value
This option allows you to associate one scalar value with the cache object. You can retrieve it with the user_data method.
- $cache->store($key, $value)
Looks up $key in the cache, and replaces its value if it already exists. If it doesn't exist yet, the cache is checked for size (in case a maximum size was given) and the oldest entry is dropped if the maximum is reached. A new slot is created for the new key, and the new value is now stored there.
The node with the new value now gets the newest timestamp.
In either case, the save callback is called if one exists.
The hit and missed counters will remain untouched for all cases.
- $value = $cache->fetch($key)
Looks up $key in the cache.
If it does exist, increases the hit counter and marks the node as most recent. Next it will call the validate callback if one exists. If that returns true or there is no validate callback, the value associated with $key is returned.
If the key is not in the cache yet, or the validate callback returns false, it will increase the missed counter, and see if there is a load callback. If there isn't one, fetch will return undef. Otherwise a slot is created for a new value and marked as most recently used, and the load callback is called which will try to produce a value (or throw an exception). If there is a save callback, that will now be called to e.g. store the new value in long term storage. After that, the new value is returned.
If the load callback callback throws an exception, a value for the key will still have been created (the value is undef), but no save callback will actually have been called for this value.
Notice that if fetch returns undef, you don't normally know if this means that the associated value is undef or if the key didn't exist at all. You can check using exists or do the fetch with fetch_node.
- $node = $cache->fetch_node($key)
Does exactly the same as fetch, but where fetch would return a value, this returns the node array reference where you can find the value as $node->[0].
One advantage is that you can distinguish a failed fetch (returns undef) from an undefined value (returns a node where $node->[0] is undef).
You can also use this to access extra data associated with the value.
- $nr_keys = $cache->keys
- @keys = $cache->keys
In scalar context, returns the number of keys in the cache.
In list context, returns all the keys in the cache.
In either case it resets the position of next_key.
Will not do any key validation.
- @keys = $cache->recent_keys
Returns all keys, ordered from most recently used to least recently used. This is notably slower than using keys
- @keys = $cache->old_keys
Returns all keys, ordered from least recently used to most recently used. This is notably slower than using keys
- $key = $cache->most_recent_key
Returns the most recently used key, or undef if the cache is empty.
- $key = $cache->oldest_key
Returns the least recently used key, or undef if the cache is empty.
- $key = $cache->first_key
- ($key, $value) = $cache->first_key
Resets the position for next_key to the start and does a next_key.
- $key = $cache->next_key
- ($key, $value) = $cache->next_key
Returns the next element in the cache, so you can iterate over it. In scalar context it just returns the key, in list context it returns both the key and the corresponding value, but it will do no validation on the value. If you want validation, use the scalar version and do the fetch yourself.
Entries are returned in an apparently random order. The actual random order is subject to change in future versions of perl, but it is guaranteed to be in the same order as that returned by the keys method.
When the cache is entirely read, an empty list is returned in list context (which when assigned produces a false (0) value), and "undef" in scalar context. The next call to "next_key" after that will start iterating again. There is a single iterator for each cache, shared by all "first_key", "next_key" and "keys" calls in the program; it can be reset by reading all the elements from the cache or by calling "keys". If you add or delete elements of a hash while you're iterating over it, you may get entries skipped or duplicated, so don't. Exception: It is always safe to delete the item most recently returned by "first_key" or "next_key", which means that the following code will work:
while (($key, $value) = $cache->next_key) { print $key, "\n"; $cache->delete($key); # This is safe }
- $exists = $cache->exists($key)
Returns true if $key exists in the cache, even if it has the value undef. Returns false otherwise. Does no validation.
- $cache->delete(@keys)
- $value = $cache->delete(@keys)
- @values = $cache->delete(@keys)
deletes all entries in the cache corresponding to the given @keys (quite often only one key to be deleted will be specified of course). Any keys that don't exist in the cache will cause no changes in the cache, but will behave as if they correspond to a value of "undef" for the return value.
In scalar context, returns the last deleted value. In list context, returns the list of deleted values corresponding to the given keys. No validation is done for any of the values.
- $cache->clear
Removes all entries from the cache.
- $nr_keys = $cache->count
Returns the number of keys in the cache like keys does in scalar context, but does not reset the position for next_key
- $hit = $cache->hit
Return the number of times a fetch or fetch_node on a key found that key to already exist.
- $missed = $cache->missed
Return the number of times a fetch or fetch_node on a key found that key to not exist yet.
- $max_count = $cache->max_count
Returns the maximum number of entries allowed in the cache, or undef if there is no maximum.
- $validate = $cache->validate
Returns a code reference to the validate callback or undef if there is none.
- $load = $cache->load
Returns a code reference to the load callback or undef if there is none.
- $save = $cache->save
Returns a code reference to the save callback or undef if there is none.
- $user_data = $cache->user_data
Returns the user_data associated with the cache, or undef if there is none.
- $tied = tie %cache, 'Tie::Cache', $max_count
- $tied = tie %cache, 'Tie::Cacher', %options
- $tied = tie %cache, 'Tie::Cacher', {%options}
These are like new (with all the same options), with the object returned in $tied. It also ties the object to the hash %cache and fakes the normal hash operations to the corresponding operations on the underlying object as described in Tie::Hash (see also the SYNOPSIS).
If you don't need to do any Object Oriented calls, you can just get rid of the $tied assignment. In fact, you can always drop it and just use tied if you ever need the underlying object. So e.g. a basic size restricted hash is as simple as:
tie %hash, 'Tie::Cacher', max_count => 1000;
There is one gotcha you have to be aware off:
($key, $value) = each %hash;
will use scalar context first_key or next_key and then get the value using a fetch, unlike the list context variants of first_key and next_key that just directly get the value without any validation, loading or saving.
Ton Hospel, <>
Copyright 2003 by Ton Hospel
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.