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# This script is part of the Devel::NYTProf distribution
# Copyright, contact and other information can be found
# at the bottom of this file, or by going to:
use strict;
use List::Util qw(min sum);
our $VERSION = '6.02';
if ($VERSION != $Devel::NYTProf::Core::VERSION) {
die "$0 version '$VERSION' doesn't match version '$Devel::NYTProf::Core::VERSION' of $INC{'Devel/NYTProf/Core.pm'}\n";
use Carp;
my $opt_out = 'nytprof-merged.out';
'out|o=s' => \$opt_out,
'help|h' => \&usage,
'verbose|v' => \my $opt_verbose,
) or usage();
usage() unless @ARGV;
print "Opening output $opt_out\n" if $opt_verbose;
my $out = Devel::NYTProf::FileHandle::open($opt_out, "wb")
or die "Error opening $opt_out: $!\n";
my $sub_is_anon_in_eval = qr/__ANON__\[\(eval/;
my $next_fid = 1;
my %fid_to_file;
my %file_to_fid;
my %fids = (0 => 0);
# Similar, but with all evals folded too
my %fids_folded = (0 => 0);
my %eval_to_fid;
my $version;
my %seen_subs;
my %callers;
my %map_range;
my @pending_fids;
my %pending_subs;
sub _write_time_block_or_line {
my ($tag, $ticks, $fid, $line, $block_line, $sub_line) = @_;
confess("No mapping for $fid") unless defined $fids{$fid};
$fid = $fids{$fid};
# Is this a subroutine (re)defined in an eval?
my $mapped_fid = $map_range{$fid}[$line];
$fid = $mapped_fid if defined $mapped_fid;
# XXX overflow isn't passed in or through
if ($tag eq 'TIME_LINE') {
$out->write_time_line($ticks, 0, $fid, $line);
} else {
$out->write_time_block($ticks, 0, $fid, $line, $block_line, $sub_line);
# Complain loudly if any of these attributes differ between profiles
my %attr_should_be_identical = map {$_, 1} qw(
PL_perldb clock_id nv_size perl_version ticks_per_sec xs_version
# Effectively, these are global variables. Sorry.
our $input;
our %attributes;
our %options;
our $deflating;
my %dispatcher =
'' => sub {
die "Unknown tag '$_[0]' in $input\n";
VERSION => sub {
my (undef, $major, $minor) = @_;
my $this_version = "$major $minor";
if($version) {
die "Incompatible version '$this_version' in $input, expected '$version'"
unless $this_version eq $version;
} else {
$version = $this_version;
$out->write_header($major, $minor);
COMMENT => sub {
my (undef, $text) = @_;
chomp $text; # Arguably this is a bug in the callback interface.
# This isn't true unless we enable compression ourselves, and if we
# do that, the low level code will write out a correct comment
# automatically.
return if $text =~ /\ACompressed at level \d with zlib [0-9.]+\z/;
ATTRIBUTE => sub {
my (undef, $key, $value) = @_;
if ($attr_should_be_identical{$key}) {
if (exists $attributes{$key}) {
if ($attributes{$key} ne $value) {
warn("Attribute '$key' has value '$value' in $input which differs from the previous value '$attributes{$key}'; this implies inconsistent profiles and thus garbage results\n");
} else {
$attributes{$key} = $value;
$out->write_attribute($key, $value);
} else {
push @{$attributes{$key}}, $value;
OPTION => sub {
my (undef, $key, $value) = @_;
if (exists $options{$key}) {
if ($options{$key} ne $value) {
warn("Option '$key' has value '$value' in $input which differs from the previous value '$options{$key}'; this implies inconsistent profiles and thus garbage results\n");
} else {
$options{$key} = $value;
$out->write_option($key, $value);
if (!$deflating && $out->can('start_deflate_write_tag_comment')) {
PID_START => sub {
my (undef, $pid, $parent, $time) = @_;
$out->write_process_start($pid, $parent, $time);
PID_END => sub {
my (undef, $pid, $time) = @_;
$out->write_process_end($pid, $time);
NEW_FID => sub {
my (undef, $fid, $eval_fid, $eval_line, $flags, $size, $mtime, $name) = @_;
return unless $pending_fids[$fid];
my ($new_fid, $new_eval_fid) = @{$pending_fids[$fid]};
$out->write_new_fid($new_fid, $new_eval_fid, $eval_line, $flags,
$size, $mtime, $name);
TIME_BLOCK => \&_write_time_block_or_line,
TIME_LINE => \&_write_time_block_or_line,
DISCOUNT => sub {
SUB_INFO => sub {
my (undef, $fid, $first_line, $last_line, $name) = @_;
my $output_fid = $pending_subs{"$fid,$first_line,$last_line,$name"};
return unless defined $output_fid;
$out->write_sub_info($output_fid, $name, $first_line, $last_line);
SUB_CALLERS => sub {
my (undef, $fid, $line, $count, $incl_time, $excl_time, $reci_time, $rec_depth, $called, $caller) = @_;
confess("No mapping for $fid") unless defined $fids{$fid};
$fid = $fids{$fid};
my $mapped_fid = $map_range{$fid}[$line];
$fid = $mapped_fid if defined $mapped_fid;
if ($callers{"$fid,$line"}{$called}{$caller}) {
my $sum = $callers{"$fid,$line"}{$called}{$caller};
$sum->{count} += $count;
$sum->{incl} += $incl_time;
$sum->{excl} += $excl_time;
$sum->{reci} += $reci_time;
$sum->{depth} = $rec_depth if $rec_depth > $sum->{depth};
} else {
# New;
$callers{"$fid,$line"}{$called}{$caller} =
depth => $rec_depth,
count => $count,
incl => $incl_time,
excl => $excl_time,
reci => $reci_time,
SUB_ENTRY => sub {
my (undef, $fid, $line) = @_;
confess("No mapping for $fid") unless defined $fids{$fid};
$fid = $fids{$fid};
$out->write_call_entry($fid, $line);
SUB_RETURN => sub {
my (undef, $retn_depth, $incl_time, $excl_time, $subname) = @_;
$out->write_call_return($retn_depth, $subname, $incl_time, $excl_time);
SRC_LINE => sub {
my (undef, $fid, $line, $text) = @_;
confess("No mapping for $fid") unless defined $fids{$fid};
$fid = $fids{$fid};
# Is this a subroutine (re)defined in an eval?
my $mapped_fid = $map_range{$fid}[$line];
$fid = $mapped_fid if defined $mapped_fid;
$out->write_src_line($fid, $line, $text);
foreach $input (@ARGV) {
print "Reading $input...\n" if $opt_verbose;
@pending_fids = ();
%pending_subs = ();
# first pass
Devel::NYTProf::Data->new({filename => $input, callback => {
NEW_FID => sub {
my (undef, $fid, $eval_fid, $eval_line, $flags, $size, $mtime, $name) = @_;
my ($new_fid, $new_eval_fid);
if($eval_fid) {
# Generally, treat every eval as distinct, even at the same location
$new_eval_fid = $fids{$eval_fid};
# Sanity check. Should never happen except that
# if $eval_fid < $fid then this is a known problem
# with evals fids getting profiled/output before the parent fid
warn("unknown eval_fid $eval_fid in $input fid $fid\n")
unless defined $new_eval_fid;
$new_fid = $next_fid++;
$fids{$fid} = $new_fid;
# But also track the first fid to be allocated at that line of the eval
my $folded_fid = $fids_folded{$eval_fid};
Carp::cluck("unknown folded eval_fid $eval_fid in $input fid $fid")
unless defined $folded_fid;
my $corresponding_eval = $eval_to_fid{"$folded_fid,$eval_line"};
if (!defined $corresponding_eval) {
# Not seen a fid generated in an eval at this location before
$eval_to_fid{"$folded_fid,$eval_line"} = $new_fid;
$fids_folded{$fid} = $new_fid;
} else {
$fids_folded{$fid} = $corresponding_eval;
} else {
$new_eval_fid = $eval_fid;
$new_fid = $file_to_fid{$name};
if(defined $new_fid) {
$fids_folded{$fid} = $fids{$fid} = $new_fid;
$new_fid = $next_fid++;
$fids_folded{$fid} = $fids{$fid} = $new_fid;
$file_to_fid{$name} = $new_fid;
$fid_to_file{$new_fid} = $name;
$pending_fids[$fid] = [$new_fid, $new_eval_fid];
SUB_INFO => sub {
my (undef, $fid, $first_line, $last_line, $name) = @_;
my $output_fid;
if ($name =~ $sub_is_anon_in_eval) {
confess("No mapping for $fid") unless defined $fids{$fid};
$output_fid = $fids{$fid};
$seen_subs{"$output_fid,$name"} ||= "$first_line,$last_line";
} else {
confess("No mapping for $fid") unless defined $fids_folded{$fid};
my $folded = $fids_folded{$fid};
my $seen = $seen_subs{"$folded,$name"};
if (defined $seen && $seen ne "$first_line,$last_line") {
# Warn that we are not folding
# Carry on, and output a SUB_INFO block for this fid
$output_fid = $fid;
} else {
# This subroutine has be (re)defined in two distinct
# evals, but appears to be identical. So for this lines
# range in the second eval, treat profiling data as if it
# came from the fid of the first eval, so that all calls
# to the sub are collated.
# Have to use the mapped fid as the key to this hash, as
# only the mapped fids are unique
my $mapped_fid = $fids{$fid};
$map_range{$mapped_fid}[$_] = $folded
for $first_line .. $last_line;
return if defined $seen;
$seen_subs{"$folded,$name"} = "$first_line,$last_line";
$output_fid = $folded;
$pending_subs{"$fid,$first_line,$last_line,$name"} = $output_fid;
# second pass
print "Re-reading $input...\n" if $opt_verbose;
Devel::NYTProf::Data->new({filename => $input, callback => \%dispatcher});
print "Finalizing...\n" if $opt_verbose;
# Deterministic order is useful for testing.
foreach my $fid_line (sort keys %callers) {
my ($fid, $line) = split ',', $fid_line;
foreach my $called (sort keys %{$callers{$fid_line}}) {
foreach my $caller (sort keys %{$callers{$fid_line}{$called}}) {
my $sum = $callers{$fid_line}{$called}{$caller};
$out->write_sub_callers($fid, $line, $caller, $sum->{count},
@{$sum}{qw(incl excl reci)},
$sum->{depth}, $called);
foreach my $key (sort grep {!$attr_should_be_identical{$_}} keys %attributes) {
my @values = @{$attributes{$key}};
if ($key eq 'basetime') {
my $value = min(@values);
$out->write_attribute($key, $value);
elsif ($key eq 'application') { # "merge" the application names
my %counts;
$counts{$_}++ foreach @values;
my @grouped;
foreach my $prog (sort keys %counts) {
my $count = $counts{$prog};
push @grouped, $prog;
$grouped[-1] .= " ($count runs)" if $count > 1;
my $last = pop @grouped;
my $value = @grouped ? join (', ', @grouped) . " and $last" : $last;
$out->write_attribute($key, $value);
elsif ($key eq 'cumulative_overhead_ticks') { # sum cumulative_overhead_ticks
$out->write_attribute($key, sum(@values));
elsif ($key =~ /^sawampersand_\w+$/) { # sawampersand_fid/_line
# we just pass through the first value seen
$out->write_attribute($key, $values[0]);
else {
warn sprintf "Attribute %s has %d distinct values passed through unmerged\n",
$key, scalar @values
if @values > 1;
$out->write_attribute($key, $_) foreach @values;
print "Done.\n" if $opt_verbose;
exit 0;
sub usage {
print <<END;
usage: [perl] nytprofmerge [opts] nytprof-file [...]
--out <file>, -o <file> Name of output file [default: $opt_out]
--help, -h Print this message
--verbose, -v Be more verbose
This script of part of the Devel::NYTProf distribution.
See https://metacpan.org/release/Devel-NYTProf for details and copyright.
exit 0;
=head1 NAME
nytprofmerge - Reads multiple NYTProf profiles and outputs a merged one
$ nytprofmerge --out=nytprof-merged.out nytprof.out.*
$ nytprofmerge nytprof.out.*
Reads multiple profile data files generated by Devel::NYTProf and writes out
a new profile data file containing data merged from the original files.
C<nytprofmerge> is likely to produce garbage if the input profiles
aren't all profiles of I<exactly> the same software.
C<nytprofmerge> is new and somewhat experimental. If it produces unexpected
results please produce a I<small> test case that demonstrates the problem and
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