Test::WriteVariants - Dynamic generation of tests in nested combinations of contexts


use Test::WriteVariants;

my $test_writer = Test::WriteVariants->new();


    # tests we want to run in various contexts
    input_tests => {
        'core/10-foo' => { require => 't/core/10-foo.t' },
        'core/20-bar' => { require => 't/core/20-bar.t' },

    # one or more providers of variant contexts
    variant_providers => [
        sub {
            my ($path, $context, $tests) = @_;
            my %variants = (
                plain    => $context->new_env_var(MY_MODULE_PUREPERL => 0),
                pureperl => $context->new_env_var(MY_MODULE_PUREPERL => 1),
            return %variants;
        sub {
            my ($path, $context, $tests) = @_;
            my %variants = map {
                $_ => $context->new_env_var(MY_MODULE_WIBBLE => $_),
            } 1..3;
            delete $variants{3} if $context->get_env_var("MY_MODULE_PUREPERL");
            return %variants;

    # where to generate the .t files that wrap the input_tests
    output_dir => 't/variants',

When run that generates the desired test variants:

Writing t/variants/plain/1/core/10-foo.t
Writing t/variants/plain/1/core/20-bar.t
Writing t/variants/plain/2/core/10-foo.t
Writing t/variants/plain/2/core/20-bar.t
Writing t/variants/plain/3/core/10-foo.t
Writing t/variants/plain/3/core/20-bar.t
Writing t/variants/pureperl/1/core/10-foo.t
Writing t/variants/pureperl/1/core/20-bar.t
Writing t/variants/pureperl/2/core/10-foo.t
Writing t/variants/pureperl/2/core/20-bar.t

Here's what t/variants/pureperl/2/core/20-bar.t looks like:

END { delete $ENV{MY_MODULE_WIBBLE} } # for VMS
require 't/core/20-bar.t';

Here's an example that uses plugins to provide the tests and the variants:

my $test_writer = Test::WriteVariants->new();

# gather set of input tests that we want to run in various contexts
# these can come from various sources, including modules and test files
my $input_tests = $test_writer->find_input_test_modules(
    search_path => [ 'DBI::TestCase' ]


    # tests we want to run in various contexts
    input_tests => $input_tests,

    # one or more providers of variant contexts
    # (these can be code refs or plugin namespaces)
    variant_providers => [

    # where to generate the .t files that wrap the input_tests
    output_dir => $output_dir,


NOTE: This is alpha code that's still evolving - nothing is stable.

See List::MoreUtils (on github) for an example use.



$test_writer = Test::WriteVariants->new(%attributes);

Instanciates a Test::WriteVariants instance and sets the specified attributes, if any.


$bool = $test_writer->allow_dir_overwrite;

If the output directory already exists when tumble() is called it'll throw an exception (and warn if it wasn't created during the run). Setting allow_dir_overwrite true disables this safety check.


$bool = $test_writer->allow_file_overwrite;

If the test file that's about to be written already exists then write_output_files() will throw an exception. Setting allow_file_overwrite true disables this safety check.


    input_tests => \%input_tests,
    variant_providers => \@variant_providers,
    output_dir => $output_dir,

Instanciates a Data::Tumbler. Sets its consumer to call:

$self->write_output_files($path, $context, $payload, $output_dir)

and sets its add_context to call:

$context->new($context, $item);

and then calls its tumble method:



$input_tests = $test_writer->find_input_test_modules(


Not yet implemented - will file .t files.


    $input_tests,   # the \%input_tests to add the test module to
    $test_name,     # the key to use in \%input_tests
    $test_spec      # the details of the test file

Adds the $test_spec to %$input_tests keys by $test_name. In other words:

$input_tests->{ $test_name } = $test_spec;

An exception will be thrown if a test with $test_name already exists in %$input_tests.

This is a low-level interface that's not usually called directly. See "add_test_module".


    $input_tests,     # the \%input_tests to add the test module to
    $module_name,     # the package name of the test module
    $edit_test_name   # a code ref to edit the test module name in $_


$providers = $test_writer->normalize_providers($providers);

Given a reference to an array of providers, returns a reference to a new array. Any code references in the original array are passed through unchanged.

Any other value is treated as a package name and passed to Module::Pluggable::Object as a namespace search_path to find plugins. An exception is thrown if no plugins are found.

The corresponding element of the original $providers array is replaced with a new provider code reference which calls the provider_initial, provider, and provider_final methods, if present, for each plugin namespace in turn.

Normal Data::Tumbler provider subroutines are called with these arguments:

($path, $context, $tests)

and the return value is expected to be a hash. Whereas the plugin provider methods are called with these arguments:

($test_writer, $path, $context, $tests, $variants)

and the return value is ignored. The $variants argument is a reference to a hash that will be returned to Data::Tumbler and which should be edited by the plugin provider method. This allows a plugin to see, and change, the variants requested by any other plugins that have already been run for this provider.


$test_writer->write_output_files($path, $context, $input_tests, $output_dir);

Writes test files for each test in %$input_tests, for the given $path and $context, into the $output_dir.

The $output_dir, @$path, and key of %$input_tests are concatenated to form a file name. A ".t" is added if not already present.

Calls "get_test_file_body" to get the content of the test file, and then calls "write_file" to write it.


$test_writer->write_file($filepath, $content);

Throws an exception if $filepath already exists and "allow_file_overwrite" is not true.

Creates $filepath and writes $content to it. Creates any directories that are needed. Throws an exception on error.


$test_body = $test_writer->get_test_file_body($context, $test_spec);

XXX This should probably be a method call on an object instanciated by the find_input_test_* methods.