NAME - ISI Web of Science citations tool
SYNOPSIS [options] sword query
- sword
The SWORD end-point URL.
- query
The ISI query string.
- --version
Print our version and exit.
- --verbose
Be more verbose.
- --quiet
Be less verbose.
- --collection
The collection end-point.
- --username
Username to authenticate against the SWORD endpoint.
- --password
Password to authenticate against the SWORD endpoint.
- --max
Maximum number of items to submit.
- --xsl_path
Path to search for stylesheets (.xsl or .xslt) to translate ISI WoK XML to XML that can be submitted to the SWORD endpoint. Defaults to current directory.
- --dump_wok
Dump the response from WoK and exit.
- --dump_xml
Dump the XML that would be submitted to SWORD instead of submitting it.