Health::SHC - Verify Smart Health Card Signature and Extract data.


use Health::SHC::Validate;
my $shc_valid = Health::SHC::Validate->new();

# Use builtin trusted keys
my $data = $shc_valid->get_valid_data($qr);

# Use your own keys to validate - you may trust them
my $data = $shc_valid->get_valid_data($qr, $keys_json);

use Health::SHC;
my $sh = Health::SHC->new();
my @patients = $sh->get_patients($data);

foreach (@patients) {
    print "Patient: ", $_->{given}, " ", $_->{middle}, " ", $_->{family}, "\n";

my @immunizations = $sh->get_immunizations($data);

print "Vacination Provider", "\t", "Date", "\n";
foreach (@immunizations) {
    print $_->{provider}, "\t", $_->{date}, "\n";

my @vaccines = $sh->get_vaccines($data);

print "Manufacturer\tLot Number\tCode\tCode System\n";
foreach (@vaccines) {
    print $_->{manufacturer}, "\t\t", $_->{lotNumber}, "\t\t";
    my $codes = $_->{codes};
    foreach my $tmp (@$codes) {
        print   $tmp->{code}, "\t",
                $tmp->{system}, "\t";
    print "\n";


This perl module can extract a Smart Health Card's data from PDFs or image file. The extracted shc:/ Smart Health Card URI is decoded and the signature checked. The module provide several methods to retrieve the data in a more usable format.

Health::SHC supports QR codes for the following regions:

* Québec
* British Columbia
* Saskatchewan
* Alberta
* Newfoundland and Labrador
* Nova Scotia
* Ontario
* Northwest Territories
* Yukon
* New Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick
* Japan

The keys in share/keys.json (and supported regions) are based on the keys included with

Additional regions can be added with a pull request or by logging an issue at


The following copyright notice applies to all the files provided in this distribution, including binary files, unless explicitly noted otherwise.

Copyright 2021 Timothy Legge <>


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



Constructor; see OPTIONS above.


Arguments: $data: string Smart Health Card data without the "shc:/" prefix

Returns: hash containing the Patient information


Arguments: $data: string Smart Health Card data without the "shc:/" prefix

Returns: hash containing the Immunization data


Arguments: $data: string Smart Health Card data without the "shc:/" prefix

Returns: hash containing the Vaccine data