Net::SAML2 - SAML2 bindings and protocol implementation
version 0.56
See for implementation documentation and
t/12-full-client.t for a pseudo implementation following the tutorial
# generate a redirect off to the IdP:
my $idp = Net::SAML2::IdP->new($IDP);
my $sso_url = $idp->sso_url('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect');
my $authnreq = Net::SAML2::Protocol::AuthnRequest->new(
issuer => 'http://localhost:3000/metadata.xml',
destination => $sso_url,
nameid_format => $idp->format('persistent'),
my $authnreq = Net::SAML2::Protocol::AuthnRequest->new(
id => 'NETSAML2_Crypt::OpenSSL::Random::random_pseudo_bytes(16),
issuer => $self->{id}, # Service Provider (SP) Entity ID
destination => $sso_url, # Identity Provider (IdP) SSO URL
provider_name => $provider_name, # Service Provider (SP) Human Readable Name
issue_instant => DateTime->now, # Defaults to Current Time
my $request_id = $authnreq->id; # Store and Compare to InResponseTo
# or
my $request_id = 'NETSAML2_' . unpack 'H*', Crypt::OpenSSL::Random::random_pseudo_bytes(16);
my $authnreq = Net::SAML2::Protocol::AuthnRequest->as_xml(
id => $request_id, # Unique Request ID will be returned in response
issuer => $self->{id}, # Service Provider (SP) Entity ID
destination => $sso_url, # Identity Provider (IdP) SSO URL
provider_name => $provider_name, # Service Provider (SP) Human Readable Name
issue_instant => DateTime->now, # Defaults to Current Time
my $redirect = Net::SAML2::Binding::Redirect->new(
key => '/path/to/SPsign-nopw-key.pem',
url => $sso_url,
param => 'SAMLRequest' OR 'SAMLResponse',
cert => '/path/to/IdP-cert.pem'
my $url = $redirect->sign($authnreq);
my $ret = $redirect->verify($url);
# handle the POST back from the IdP, via the browser:
my $post = Net::SAML2::Binding::POST->new;
my $ret = $post->handle_response(
if ($ret) {
my $assertion = Net::SAML2::Protocol::Assertion->new_from_xml(
xml => decode_base64($saml_response),
key_file => "SP-Private-Key.pem", # Required for EncryptedAssertions
cacert => "IdP-cacert.pem", # Required for EncryptedAssertions
# ...
Support for the Web Browser SSO profile of SAML2.
Net::SAML2 correctly perform the SSO process against numerous SAML Identity Providers (IdPs). It has been tested against:
- GSuite (Google)
- Azure (Microsoft Office 365)
- OneLogin
- Jump
- Mircosoft ADFS
- Keycloak
- Auth0 (requires Net::SAML2 >=0.39)
- PingIdentity
Version 0.54 and newer support EncryptedAssertions. No changes required to existing SP applications if EncryptedAssertions are not in use.
Net::SAML2 - SAML bindings and protocol implementation
- Chris Andrews <>
- Oskari Okko Ojala <>
- Peter Marschall <>
- Mike Wisener <>
- Jeff Fearn <>
- Alessandro Ranellucci <>
- Mike Wisener <>, xmikew <>
- xmikew <>
- Timothy Legge <>
The following copyright notice applies to all the files provided in this distribution, including binary files, unless explicitly noted otherwise.
Copyright 2010, 2011 Venda Ltd.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Chris Andrews <>
This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Chris Andrews and Others, see the git log.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.