Changes for version 0.70 - 2023-07-04
- Significant Changes since 0.69
- Quite a few changes and improvements including
- Support to obtain information about the AuthnStatement from the Assertion
- Function to obtain key_name added to the SP
- Verification of artifact responses based on an attribute ID ( via XML::Sig 0.64)
- Improve Decryption of EncryptedData nodes for Assertions (via XML::Enc 0.12 and up)
- Bumps the requirements new versions of:
- XML::Enc => "0.12",
- XML::Sig => "0.64",
- XML::Generator => "1.13"
- Miscelaneous:
- testapp bug fixes and improvements
- Github action improvements
- Tested ADFS IdP again
- Fixed issue DAKKAR reported to LWP::UserAgent Environment Variables
- Change Log
- 9d389f1 Decrypt an assertion with EncryptedData nodes
- ae3888a Fix YAML syntax for linux workflow
- 4d73198 Add verification for artifact responses on an attribute ID
- 7869a2f Add tests for part encrypted/part decrypted assertions
- 466e870 Add key_name function to SP
- b4c70d8 testapp: option for acs_url_post in authnRequest
- fa6c350 testapp: SingleLogoutService is not indexed
- d2cf58a install Module::Pluggable
- 2dfb0c1 Remove Pari Install from github action
- 8932955 Bump requirement for XML::Generator
- 11ba40d Create AuthnStatement object
- 488a234 ADFS fully tested again and update repo version
- 9dbd114 Fixes #169 tests fail when PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_* or HTTPS_CA_* env vars are set
- a9aca61 Add XML declartion to generate_metadata
- 7cfe56a Configure SP without Single Logout Service
- ef16349 Fix version for release
- accfc66 (timlegge/master) v0.69
SAML2 bindings and protocol implementation
Net::SAML2::Binding::POST - HTTP POST binding for SAML
Net::SAML2::Binding::Redirect - HTTP Redirect binding for SAML
Net::SAML2::Binding::SOAP - SOAP binding for SAML
Net::SAML2::IdP - SAML Identity Provider object
Net::SAML2::Protocol::Artifact - SAML2 artifact object
Net::SAML2::Protocol::ArtifactResolve - ArtifactResolve protocol class
Net::SAML2::Protocol::Assertion - SAML2 assertion object
SAML2 AuthnRequest object
SAML2 LogoutRequest Protocol object
SAML2 LogoutResponse Protocol object
Common behaviour for Protocol messages
A role to verify the SAML response XML
Net::SAML2::SP - SAML Service Provider object
Custom Moose types for Net::SAML2
Utility functions for Net::SAML2
Net::SAML2 subclass of XML::Sig
Net::SAML2::XML::Util - XML Util class