Net::SAML2::Protocol::AuthnRequest - SAML2 AuthnRequest object
version 0.28
my $authnreq = Net::SAML2::Protocol::AuthnRequest->new(
id => 'NETSAML2_Crypt::OpenSSL::Random::random_pseudo_bytes(16),
issuer => $self->{id}, # Service Provider (SP) Entity ID
destination => $destination, # Identity Provider (IdP) SSO URL
provider_name => $provider_name, # Service Provider (SP) Human Readable Name
issue_instant => DateTime->now, # Defaults to Current Time
my $request_id = $authnreq->id; # Store and Compare to InResponseTo
my $request_id = 'NETSAML2_' . unpack 'H*', Crypt::OpenSSL::Random::random_pseudo_bytes(16);
my $authnreq = Net::SAML2::Protocol::AuthnRequest->as_xml(
id => $request_id, # Unique Request ID will be returned in response
issuer => $self->{id}, # Service Provider (SP) Entity ID
destination => $destination, # Identity Provider (IdP) SSO URL
provider_name => $provider_name, # Service Provider (SP) Human Readable Name
issue_instant => DateTime->now, # Defaults to Current Time
new( ... )
Constructor. Creates an instance of the AuthnRequest object.
Important Note: Best practice is to always do this first. While it is possible to call as_xml() first you do not have to set the id as it will be set for you automatically.
However tracking the id is important for security to ensure that the response has the same id in the InResponseTo attribute.
- nameidpolicy_format
Format attribute for NameIDPolicy
- AuthnContextClassRef, AuthnContextDeclRef
Each one is an arrayref containing values for AuthnContextClassRef and AuthnContextDeclRef. If any is populated, the RequestedAuthnContext will be included in the request.
- RequestedAuthnContext_Comparison
Value for the Comparison attribute in case RequestedAuthnContext is included (see above). Default value is exact.
as_xml( )
Returns the AuthnRequest as XML.
Original Author: Chris Andrews <>
This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Chris Andrews and Others; in detail:
Copyright 2010-2011 Chris Andrews
2012 Peter Marschall
2015 Mike Wisener
2017 Alessandro Ranellucci
2019 Timothy Legge
2020 Timothy Legge, Wesley Schwengle
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.