Net::SAML2::SP - Net::SAML2::SP - SAML Service Provider object
version 0.42
my $sp = Net::SAML2::SP->new(
id => 'http://localhost:3000',
url => 'http://localhost:3000',
cert => 'sign-nopw-cert.pem',
key => 'sign-nopw-key.pem',
Net::SAML2::SP - SAML Service Provider object
new( ... )
Constructor. Create an SP object.
- url
base for all SP service URLs
- id
SP's identity URI.
- cert
path to the signing certificate
- key
path to the private key for the signing certificate
- cacert
path to the CA certificate for verification
- org_name
SP organisation name
- org_display_name
SP organisation display name
- org_contact
SP contact email address
- org_url
SP organization url. This is optional and url will be used as in previous versions if this is not provided.
- authnreq_signed
Specifies in the metadata whether the SP signs the AuthnRequest Optional (0 or 1) defaults to 1 (TRUE) if not specified.
- want_assertions_signed
Specifies in the metadata whether the SP wants the Assertion from the IdP to be signed Optional (0 or 1) defaults to 1 (TRUE) if not specified.
BUILD ( hashref of the parameters passed to the constructor )
Called after the object is created to load the cert from a file
authn_request( $destination, $nameid_format )
Returns an AuthnRequest object created by this SP, intended for the given destination, which should be the identity URI of the IdP.
logout_request( $destination, $nameid, $nameid_format, $session )
Returns a LogoutRequest object created by this SP, intended for the given destination, which should be the identity URI of the IdP.
Also requires the nameid (+format) and session to be logged out.
logout_response( $destination, $status, $response_to )
Returns a LogoutResponse object created by this SP, intended for the given destination, which should be the identity URI of the IdP.
Also requires the status and the ID of the corresponding LogoutRequest.
artifact_request( $destination, $artifact )
Returns an ArtifactResolve request object created by this SP, intended for the given destination, which should be the identity URI of the IdP.
sso_redirect_binding( $idp, $param )
Returns a Redirect binding object for this SP, configured against the given IDP for Single Sign On. $param specifies the name of the query parameter involved - typically SAMLRequest
slo_redirect_binding( $idp, $param )
Returns a Redirect binding object for this SP, configured against the given IDP for Single Log Out. $param specifies the name of the query parameter involved - typically SAMLRequest
or SAMLResponse
soap_binding( $ua, $idp_url, $idp_cert )
Returns a SOAP binding object for this SP, with a destination of the given URL and signing certificate.
post_binding( )
Returns a POST binding object for this SP.
metadata( )
Returns the metadata XML document for this SP.
Chris Andrews <>
This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Chris Andrews and Others, see the git log.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.