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A script to find enriched regions in a dataset using a simple threshold.

SYNOPSIS --db <db_name> [--options] --data <file> [--options]
  --db <name | filename>
  --ddb <name | filename>
  --data <dataset | filename>
  --out <filename>
  --win <integer>
  --step <integer>
  --tol <integer>
  --thresh <number>
  --sd <number>
  --method [mean|median|sum]
  --value [score|count|length]
  --strand [f|r]
  --min <integer>
  --cpu <integer>


The command line flags and descriptions:

--db <name>

Specify the name of a Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store annotation database from which gene or feature annotation may be derived. A database is required for generating new data files with features. For more information about using annotation databases, see

--ddb <name>

When data scores are present in a separate database from annotation, then specify the second data-specific database. The same options apply as --db.

--data <dataset | filename>

Specify the feature type or primary_tag of the dataset within the database from which to collect the scores. If not specified, then the data set may be chosen interactively from a presented list.

Alternatively, the name of a single data file may be provided. Supported file types include BigWig (.bw), BigBed (.bb), or single-end Bam (.bam). The file may be local or remote.

--out <filename>

Specify the output file name. If not specified, then it will be automatically generated from dataset, window, step, and threshold values.

--win <integer>

Specify the genomic bin window size in bp. If not specified, then the default window size is retrieved from the biotoolbox.cfg configuration file. Default is 500 bp.

--step <integer>

Specify the step size for moving the window. Default value is equal to the window size.

--tol <integer>

Specify the tolerance distance when merging windows together. Windows not actually overlapping but within this tolerance distance will actually be merged. Default value is 1/2 the window size.

--thresh <number>

Specify the window score threshold explicitly rather than calculating a threshold based on standard deviations from the mean.

--sd <number>

Specify the multiple of standard deviations above the mean as a window score threshold. Default is 1.5 standard deviations. Be quite careful with this method as it attempts to pull all of the datapoints out of the database to calculate the mean and standard deviation - which may be acceptable for limited tiling microarrays but not acceptable for next generation sequencing data with single bp resolution.

--method [mean|median|sum]

Specify the method for combining score values within each window when determining whether the window exceeds the threshold. Default method is mean.

--value [score|count|length]

Specify the type of value to collect from the dataset. The default value type is score.

--strand [f|r]

Optionally specify a specific strand from which to restrict the data collection. This requires that the dataset supports stranded data collection (GFF3, Bam, bigBed, BigWigSet). Default is to collect from both strands.


Specify whether depleted regions should be reported instead. For example, windows whose scores are 1.5 standard deviations below the mean, rather than above.


Indicate that the merged windows should be trimmed of below threshold scores on the ends of the window. Normally when windows are merged, there may be some data points on the ends of the windows whose scores don't actually pass the threshold, but were included because the entire window mean (or median) exceeded the threshold. This step removes those data points. The default behavior is false.

--min <integer>

Set the minimum window size in bp when trimming the merged windows. The default value is equal to the search window size.


Indicate that the regions should be sorted by their score. Sort order is decreasing for enriched regions and increasing for depleted regions. Default is false (they should be ordered mostly by coordinate).


Indicate that features overlapping the windows should be identified. The default behavior is false.


Write out a text file containing a list of the found overlapping genes.


Indicate that a GFF version 3 file should be written out in addition to the data text file.


Flag to indicate that source data is log2, and to calculate accordingly and report as log2 data.


Compress the output file through gzip.

--cpu <integer>

Specify the number of CPU cores to execute in parallel. This requires the installation of Parallel::ForkManager. With support enabled, the default is 2. Disable multi-threaded execution by setting to 1.


Print the version number.


Display the POD documentation.


This program will search for regions in the genome that are enriched for a particular data set. It walks through each chromosome using a window of specified size (default 500 bp) and specified step size (default same as window). Data scores within a window that exceed a determined threshold will be noted. Adjoining windows (within a specific tolerance, default is 1/2 of window size) are merged. The windows may be optionally trimmed of flanking below-threshold positions.

The method for identifying enrichment is based on a very simple criteria: a window is kept if the mean (or median) value for the window is greater than (or less than for depletion) the threshold. No statistics or False Discovery Rate is calculated.

The threshold may be automatically determined based on a calculated mean and standard deviation from a sampling of the dataset. For sampling purposes, the largest chromosome, scaffold, or sequence defined in the database is used. A multiple (default 1.5X) of the standard deviation is used to set the threshold.

If an annotation database is provided, gene, ORF, non-coding RNA, or other features may optionally be identified overlapping the enriched regions.

The program writes out a tab-delimited text file consisting of chromosome, start, stop, strand, score, and overlapping gene or non-gene genomic features. It will optionally write a GFF3 file.


 Timothy J. Parnell, PhD
 Howard Hughes Medical Institute
 Dept of Oncological Sciences
 Huntsman Cancer Institute
 University of Utah
 Salt Lake City, UT, 84112

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0.