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A script to enumerate Bam alignments or coverage into a wig file.

SYNOPSIS [--options...] <filename.bam>

  Required options:
  --in <filename.bam>
  Reporting options:
  --position [start|mid|span|extend]                (start)
  --bin <integer>
  --log [2|10]
  --max <integer>
  --ext <integer>
  Alignment options:
  --qual <integer>
  Shift options:
  --shiftval <integer>
  --chrom <integer>                                 (2)
  --sample <integer>                                (300)
  --minr <float>                                    (0.25)
  Output options:
  --out <filename> 
  --bwapp </path/to/wigToBigWig or /path/to/bedGraphToBigWig>
  General options:
  --cpu <integer>                                   (2)
  --max_cnt <integer>
  --buffer <integer>
  --count <integer>
  --help                              detailed documentation


The command line flags and descriptions:

--in <filename>

Specify the input Bam alignment file. The file should be sorted by genomic position and indexed, although it may be indexed automatically.

--position [start|mid|span|extend]

Specify the position of the alignment coordinate which should be recorded. Several positions are accepted:

    start     the 5 prime position of the alignment
    mid       the midpoint of the alignment (or pe fragment)
    span      along the length of the alignment (read coverage)
    extend    along the length of the predicted fragment
              equal to 2 x the shift value (enables --shift) 
    coverage  another way to specify --coverage

With paired-end alignments, the positions are relative to the entire insert fragment defined by two proper alignments. For single-end alignments, the default value is coverage if no other options are specified, otherwise start. For paired-end alignments, the midpoint position is the default.


Quickly calculates the coverage of the alignments over the genome, either at single bp resolution (default) or in bins. This method ignores the position, quality, strand, shift, and log options. It is equivalent to specifying --position=span, --split, --nope, --noshift, --nostrand, --qual=0, --max=8000, --norpm, and no log.

--bin <integer>

Specify the window or bin size in which alignment counts are summed. This option is compatible with start, mid, and coverage recording options, but is automatically disabled with span and extend recording options. The default is to count at single basepair resolution.


Indicate that separate wig files should be written for each strand. The output file basename is appended with either '_f' or '_r' for both files. For paired-end RNA-Seq alignments that were generated with TopHat, the XS attribute is honored for strand information. The default is to take all alignments regardless of strand.


Flip the strand of the output files when generating stranded wig files. Do this when RNA-Seq alignments map to the opposite strand of the coding sequence.


Convert the data to Reads (or Fragments) Per Million mapped. This is useful for comparing read coverage between different datasets. Only alignments that match the minimum mapping quality are counted. Only proper paired-end alignments are counted, they are counted as one fragment. The conversion is applied before converting to log, if requested. This will increase processing time, as the alignments must first be counted. Note that all duplicate reads are counted during the pre-count. The default is no RPM conversion.

--log [2|10]

Transform the count to a log scale. Specify the base number, 2 or 10. Only really useful with Bam alignment files with high count numbers. Default is to not transform the count.

--max <integer>

Set a maximum number of duplicate alignments tolerated at a single position. This uses the alignment start (or midpoint if recording midpoint) position to determine duplicity. Note that this has no effect in coverage mode. You may want to set a limit when working with random fragments (sonication) to avoid PCR bias. Note that setting this value in conjunction with the --rpm option may result in lower coverage than anticipated, since the pre-count does not account for duplicity. The default is undefined (no limit).

--ext <integer>

Manually set the length for reads to be extended when position is set to either span or extend. By default, the alignment length is used for single-end span, the insertion size for paired-end span, and 2 X the shift value for extend.


The Bam file consists of paired-end alignments, and only properly mapped pairs of alignments will be counted. Properly mapped pairs include FR reads on the same chromosome, and not FF, RR, RF, or pairs aligning to separate chromosomes. The default is to treat all alignments as single-end.


The Bam file alignments may contain splices, where the read is split between two separate alignments. This is most common with splice junctions from RNA-Seq data. In this case, treat each alignment as a separate tag. This only works with single-end alignments. Splices are disabled for paired-end reads. Note that this will increase processing time.

--qual <integer>

Set a minimum mapping quality score of alignments to count. The mapping quality score is a posterior probability that the alignment was mapped incorrectly, and reported as a -10Log10(P) value, rounded to the nearest integer (range 0..255). Higher numbers are more stringent. For performance reasons, when counting paired-end reads, only the left alignment is checked. The default value is 0 (accept everything).


Specify that the positions of the alignment should be shifted towards the 3' end. Useful for ChIP-Seq applications, where only the ends of the fragments are counted and often seen as separated discrete peaks on opposite strands flanking the true target site. This option is disabled with paired-end and spliced reads (where it is not needed).

--shiftval <integer>

Provide the value in bp that the recorded position should be shifted. The value should be 1/2 the average length of the library insert size. The default is to automatically and empirically determine the appropriate shift value using cross-strand correlation (recommended).

--chrom <integer>

Indicate the number of sequences or chromosomes to sample when empirically determining the shift value. The reference sequences listed in the Bam file header are taken in order of decreasing length, and one or more are taken as a representative sample of the genome. The default value is 2.

--sample <integer>

Indicate the number of top coverage regions from each chromosome scanned to sample when empirically determining the shift value. The default is 200.

--minr <float>

Provide the minimum R^2 value to accept a shift value when empirically determining the shift value. Enter a decimal value between 0 and 1. Higher values are more stringent. The default is 0.25.


Indicate that the shift model profile data should be written to file for examination. The average profile, including for each sampled chromosome, are reported for the forward and reverse strands, as well as the shifted profile. A standard text file is generated using the output base name. The default is to not write the model shift data.

--out <filename>

Specify the output base filename. An appropriate extension will be added automatically. By default it uses the base name of the input file.


Specify whether or not the wig file should be further converted into an indexed, compressed, binary BigWig file. The default is false.

--bwapp < /path/to/wigToBigWig or /path/to/bedGraphToBigWig >

Specify the full path to Jim Kent's bigWig conversion utility. Two different utilities may be used, bedGraphToBigWig or wigToBigWig, depending on the format of the wig file generated. The application paths may be set in the biotoolbox.cfg file.


Specify whether (or not) the output file should be compressed with gzip. The default is compress the output unless a BigWig file is requested. Disable with --nogz.

--cpu <integer>

Specify the number of CPU cores to execute in parallel. This requires the installation of Parallel::ForkManager. With support enabled, the default is 2. Disable multi-threaded execution by setting to 1.

--max_cnt <integer>

In special coverage mode only, this option sets the maximum coverage count at any given base. The default is 8000 (set by the bam adaptor).

--buffer <integer>

Specify the length in bp to reserve as buffer when writing a bedGraph file to account for future read coverage. This value must be greater than the expected alignment length (including split alignments), paired-end span length (especially RNA-Seq), or extended coverage (2 x alignment shift). Increasing this value may result in increased memory usage, but will avoid errors with duplicate positions written to the wig file. The default is 5000 bp.

--count <integer>

Specify the number of alignments processed before writing to file. Increasing this count will reduce the number of disk writes and increase performance at the cost of increased memory usage. Lowering will decrease memory usage. The default is 200,000 alignments.


Print warnings when read counts go off the end of the chromosomes, particularly with shifted read counts. Also print the correlations for each sampled region as they are calculated when determining the shift value. When writing the model file, data from each region is also written. The default is false.


Print the version number.


Display this POD documentation.


This program will enumerate aligned sequence tags and generate a wig, or optionally BigWig, file. Alignments may be counted and recorded in several different ways. Strict enumeration may be performed and recorded at either the alignment's start or midpoint position. Alternatively, either the alignment or fragment may be recorded across its span. Finally, a basic unstranded, unshifted, and non-transformed alignment coverage may be generated.

Both paired-end and single-end alignments may be counted. Alignments with splices (e.g. RNA-Seq) may be counted singly or separately. Alignment counts may be separated by strand, facilitating analysis of RNA-Seq experiments.

For ChIP-Seq experiments, the alignment position may be shifted in the 3 prime direction. This effectively merges the separate peaks (representing the ends of the enriched fragments) on each strand into a single peak centered over the target locus. Alternatively, the entire predicted fragment may be recorded across its span. This extended method of recording infers the mean size of the library fragments, thereby emulating the coverage of paired-end sequencing using single-end sequence data. The shift value is empirically determined from the sequencing data (see below) or provided by the user. If requested, the shift model profile may be written to file. Use the BioToolBox script to graph the data.

The output wig file may be either a variableStep, fixedStep, or bedGraph format. The file format is dictated by where the alignment position is recorded. Recording start and midpoint at single base-pair resolution writes a variableStep wig file. Binned start or midpoint counts and coverage are written as a fixedStep wig file. Span and extended positions are written as a bedGraph file.

The wig file may be further converted into a compressed, indexed, binary bigWig format, dependent on the availability of the appropriate conversion utilities.


The type of wig file to generate for your Bam sequencing file can vary depending on your particular experimental application. Here are a few common sequencing applications and my recommended settings for generating the wig or bigWig file.

Straight coverage

To generate a straight-forward coverage map, similar to what most genome browsers display when using a Bam file as source, use the following settings: --coverage --in <bamfile>
Single-end ChIP-Seq

When sequencing Chromatin Immuno-Precipitation products, one generally performs a 3 prime shift adjustment to center the fragment's end reads over the predicted center and putative target. To adjust the positions of tag count peaks, let the program empirically determine the shift value from the sequence data (recommended). Otherwise, if you know the mean size of your ChIP eluate fragments, you can use the --shiftval option.

To evaluate the empirically determined shift value, be sure to include the --model option to examine the profiles of stranded and shifted read counts and the distribution of cross-strand correlations.

Depending on your downstream applications and/or preferences, you can record strict enumeration (start positions) or coverage (extend position).

Finally, to compare ChIP-Seq alignments from multiple experiments, convert your reads to Reads Per Million Mapped, which will help to normalize read counts. --pos start --shift --model --rpm --in <bamfile> --pos extend --model --rpm --in <bamfile>
Paired-end ChIP-Seq

If both ends of the ChIP eluate fragments are sequenced, then we do not need to calculate a shift value. Instead, we will simply count at the midpoint of each properly-mapped sequence pair, or record the defined fragment span. --pos mid --pe --rpm --in <bamfile> --pos span --pe --rpm --in <bamfile>
Unstranded RNA-Seq

With RNA-Sequencing, we may be interested in either coverage (generating a transcriptome map) or simple tag counts (differential gene expression), so we can count in one of two ways.

To compare RNA-Seq data from different experiments, convert the read counts to Reads Per Million Mapped, which will help to normalize read counts.

 bam2wig --pos span --rpm --in <bamfile>
 bam2wig --pos mid --rpm --in <bamfile>
Stranded, single-end RNA-Seq

If the library was generated in such a way as to preserve strand, then we can separate the counts based on the strand of the alignment. Note that the reported strand may be accurate or flipped, depending upon whether first-strand or second-strand synthesized cDNA was sequenced, and whether your aligner took this into account. Check the Bam alignments in a genome browser to confirm the orientation relative to coding sequences. If alignments are opposite to the direction of transcription, you can include the --flip option to switch the output.

 bam2wig --pos span --strand --rpm --in <bamfile>

 bam2wig --pos mid --strand --rpm --in <bamfile>
Stranded, paired-end RNA-Seq

Strand presents a complication when sequencing both ends of the cDNA product from a library that preserves orientation. Currently, the TopHat aligner can handle stranded, paired-end RNA-Seq alignments. Because each pair will align to both strands, the aligner must record separately which strand the original fragment should align. The TopHat program records an 'XS' attribute for each alignment, and, if present, will use this to set the strand.

 bam2wig --pe --pos span --strand --rpm --in <bamfile>

 bam2wig --pe --pos mid --strand --rpm --in <bamfile>


To help users visualize how this program records alignments in a wig file, drawn below are 10 alignments, five forward and five reverse. They may be interpreted as either single-end or paired-end. Drawn below are the numbers that would be recorded in a wig file for various parameter settings. Note that alignments are not drawn to scale and are drawn for visualization purposes only. Values of X represent 10.

Stranded Starts
Span (Coverage)
Stranded Span
Shifted Starts (shift value 26)
Shifted Span (shift value 26)
Extend (extend value 52)
Paired-End Midpoints
Paired-End Span


If you have spliced reads spanning introns from RNA-Seq data, you may get warnings about duplicate positions in your wig or bedGraph file. This is especially the case when converting to bigWig files. In this case, increase the --buffer value to accomodate these large introns.


To empirically determine the shift value, a cross-strand correlation method is employed. Regions with the highest read coverage are sampled from one or more chromosomes listed in the Bam file. The default number of regions is 200 sampled from each of the two largest chromosomes. The largest chromosomes are used merely as a representative fraction of the genome for performance reasons. Stranded read counts are collected in 10 bp bins over a 1300 bp region (the initial 500 bp high coverage region plus flanking 400 bp). A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient is then reiteratively determined between the stranded data sets as the bins are shifted from 0 to 400 bp. The shift corresponding to the highest R squared value is recorded for each sampled region. The default minimum R squared value to record an optimal shift is 0.25, and not all sampled regions may return a significant R squared value. After collection, outlier shift values > 1.5 standard deviations from the mean are removed, and the trimmed mean is used as the final shift value.

This approach works best with clean, distinct peaks, although even noisy data can generate a reasonably good shift model. If requested, a text file containing the average read count profiles for the forward strand, reverse strand, and shifted data are written so that a model graph may be generated. You can generate a visual graph of the shift model profiles using the following command: --skip 4 --offset 1 --in <shift_model.txt>

The peak shift may also be evaluated by viewing separate, stranded wig files together with the shifted wig file in a genome browser.


 Timothy J. Parnell, PhD
 Howard Hughes Medical Institute
 Dept of Oncological Sciences
 Huntsman Cancer Institute
 University of Utah
 Salt Lake City, UT, 84112

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.