Bio::ToolBox::Data::core - Common functions to Bio:ToolBox::Data family
Common methods for metadata and manipulation in a Bio::ToolBox::Data data table and Bio::ToolBox::Data::Stream file stream. This module should not be used directly. See the respective modules for more information.
For reference only. Please use Bio::ToolBox::Data
- new
Generate new object.
- verify
Verify the integrity of the Data object. Checks multiple things, including metadata, table integrity (consistent number of rows and columns), and special file format structure.
- open_database
Open the database that is listed in the metadata. Returns the database connection. Pass a true value to force a new database connection to be opened, rather than returning a cached connection object (useful when forking).
- verify_dataset($dataset)
Verifies the existence of a dataset or data file before collecting data from it. Multiple datasets may be verified. This is a convenience method to Bio::ToolBox::db_helper::verify_or_request_feature_types().
- delete_column(@indices)
Delete one or more columns in a data table.
- reorder_column(@indices)
Reorder the columns in a data table. Allows for skipping (deleting) and duplicating columns.
- feature
Returns or sets the string of the feature name listed in the metadata.
- feature_type
Returns "named", "coordinate", or "unknown" based on what kind of feature is present in the data table.
- program
Returns or sets the program string in the metadata.
- database
Returns or sets the name of the database in the metadata.
- gff
Returns or sets the GFF version value in the metadata.
- bed
Returns or sets the number of BED columns in the metadata.
- ucsc
Returns or sets the number of columns in a UCSC-type file format, including genePred and refFlat.
- number_columns
Returns the number of columns in the data table.
- last_row
Returns the array index of the last row in the data table.
- filename
Returns the complete filename listed in the metadata.
- basename
Returns the base name of the filename listed in the metadata.
- path
Returns the path portion of the filename listed in the metadata.
- extension
Returns the recognized extension of the filename listed in the metadata.
- comments
Returns an array of comment lines present in the metadata.
- add_comment($string)
Adds a string to the list of comments to be included in the metadata.
- delete_comment($index)
Deletes the indicated array index from the metadata comments array.
- list_columns
Returns an array of the column names
- name($index)
- name($index, $newname)
Returns or sets the name of the column.
- metadata($index, $key)
- metadata($index, $key, $value)
Returns or sets the metadata key/value pair for a specific column.
- delete_metadata($index, $key)
Deletes the metadata key for a column.
- copy_metadata($source, $target)
Copies the metadata values from one column to another column.
- find_column("string")
Returns the column index for the column with the specified name. Name searches are case insensitive and can tolerate a # prefix character. The first match is returned.
- chromo_column
Returns the index of the column that best represents the chromosome column.
- start_column
Returns the index of the column that best represents the start, position, or transcription start column.
- stop_column
- end_column
Returns the index of the column that best represents the stop or end column.
- strand_column
Returns the index of the column that best represents the strand.
- name_column
Returns the index of the column that best represents the name.
- type_column
Returns the index of the column that best represents the type.
- id_column
Returns the index of the column that represents the Primary_ID column used in databases.
Timothy J. Parnell, PhD
Dept of Oncological Sciences
Huntsman Cancer Institute
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.