A script to quantile normalize two or more raw microarray data sets.

SYNOPSIS --in <filename1>,<filename2> --channel <redgreen> --out <filename> --recipe <file>

--in <filename>
--recipe <filename>
--out <filename>
--channel <redgreen> [e | c | n]
--median <integer>
--nlist <filename>


The command line flags and descriptions:

--in <filename>

Specify the input microarray file(s). Either provide a single comma-delimited list, or use this argument repeatedly for each file. Agilent text files, Nimblegen .pair files, or GenePix .gpr files are accepted. The file(s) may be compressed with gzip.

--recipe <filename>

Specify a text file containing the list of input files to process, along with the channel assignment for experiment and control microarray values. See below for the format.

--out <filename>

Specify the output filename. By default it uses the basename of the recipe filename, if available.

--channel [e|c|n]

Specify (e)xperiment, (c)ontrol or (n)one designation for each channel of each input file. For two-channel microarrays, provide two designations for red (Cy5) and green (Cy3) channels, respectively. For one-channel microarrays, provide only one designation per file. There must be one designation for each specified file. Use this argument repeatedly for each file, or provide a single comma-delimited list.

--median <integer>

Optionally specify the target value to which the microarray probes will be median scaled. The default value is no scaling.

--nlist <filename>

Optionally specify the filename of a text file containing a list of control probe ID names to which all the rest of the probes will be normalized against. The control probe median value will be used as the scaling target.


Optionally indicate whether to quantile normalize (or not) the values between microarray sets. The default is true (quantile normalize values).


Optionally indicate that experiment and control microarray data sets should be quantile normalized separately and not together. The default is false (quantile everything together).


Optionally indicate that the experiment, control, and ratio values should (not) be converted to a log2 ratio. The default is true.


Optionally indicate that the Processed values in an Agilent text file should be used. The default is to use the Raw values.


Specify whether (or not) the output file should be compressed with gzip.


Print the version number.


Display this POD documentation.


This program will process raw microarray data files and return normalized values for each named probe. It will quantile normalize replicate datasets, median scale the values, and calculate an experiment/control log2 ratio. It supports Agilent Feature Extraction files, GenePix files, and NimbleGen pair files.

It will accept as many input files as you provide, although quantile normalization requires at least two replicates. Experiment and control data sets may be quantile normalized together, or separately. Experiment and control data sets are not limited to the same data file (for two-channel microarray hybridizations), giving creative flexibility in assigning data files and microarray hybridizations. Control data sets may also be excluded, in which case all provided data sources are treated as experiment.

Multi-slide hybridizations are easily taken into account if there are not duplicate probes across the slides with identical feature numbers. Each microarray probe is assigned a unique number based on probe name and feature number, and each one must have the same number of data set or replicate values. Otherwise, normalization cannot proceed. If you get this error message, then you may have to filter the raw files first, or process separately.

If a reference control set of oligo probes are included in the microarray design, their probe names may be supplied as an external normalization file, in which case the median value of those probes are used as the target for median scaling of the entire array.

The program will determine correlation and r-squared values between datasets and report them. For multi-slide sets, it is best if all slides in a set are listed sequentially for this to work best.

The program will write out a tab-delimited data file consisting of normalized data values for experiment and control, and the experiment/control ratio for each probeID. It will also write out a separate report text file.


To facilitate complex arrangements of data files, hybridizations, channel swapping, and differing numbers of experiment and control data sets, a recipe file may be generated. This is a simple, two-column (whitespace delimited) text file.

The first column is the data source path and filename.

The second column is one or two letter abbreviation specifying the channel and designation, following the nomenclature under the channel option above. Use one letter for one-channel (red or green) data files, or two letters for two-channel (red and green) data files. Use e for experiment, c for control, or n for none. For two-channel files, specify red first, then green.

Blank lines and comment lines (prefix #) are ignored.

An example is below

# two-channel file, red is experiment, green is control
path/to/file.txt	ec
# two-channel file, red is experiment, green is not used
path/to/file.txt	en


Timothy J. Parnell, PhD
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Dept of Oncological Sciences
Huntsman Cancer Institute
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0.