ACH::Builder - Tools for Building ACH (Automated Clearing House) Files
use ACH::Builder;
my $ach = ACH::Builder->new( {
# (required) Company Identification, Fed Tax ID
company_id => '11-111111',
# (required) This will appear on the receiver's bank statement
company_name => 'MY COMPANY',
# (required) a brief description of the nature of the
# payments this will apper on the receiver's bank statement
entry_description => 'TV-TELCOM'
# (required)
destination => '123123123',
destination_name => 'COMMERCE BANK',
# (required)
origin => '12312311',
origin_name => 'MYCOMPANY',
# (optional)
company_note => 'BILL',
} );
# I've included some sample detail records for dem
my @samples = $ach->sample_detail_records();
# build file header record
# build batch for web entries
$ach->set_entry_class_code( 'WEB' );
$ach->make_batch( \@samples );
# build batch for telephone entries
$ach->set_entry_class_code( 'TEL' );
$ach->make_batch( \@samples );
# build file control record
$ach->make_file_control_record( $format ) );
print $ach->to_string;
ACH File Structure
This module is tool to help construct ACH files, which are fixed width formatted files accpected by most banks. ACH (Automated Clearing House) is an electronic banking network operating system in the United States. ACH processes large volumes of both credit and debit transactions which are originated in batches. Rules and regulations governing the ACH network are established by the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) and the Federal Reserve (Fed).
ACH credit transfers include direct deposit payroll payments and payments to contractors and vendors. ACH debit transfers include consumer payments on insurance premiums, mortgage loans, and other kinds of bills.
Detail Record Format
{ customer_name => 'JOHN SMITH',
customer_acct => '0000-0111111',
amount => '2501',
routing_number => '010010101'
bank_account => '103030030' }
- new (constructor)
params: Hash Ref { company_id => '...', company_note ... }
** set methods are also provided for these parameters
service_class_code destination_name origination_name destination origination entry_class_code entry_description company_id company_name company_note file_id_modifier record_size blocking_factor format_code
- make_file_header_record
Called to create the File Header record. This should be called before make_batch.
- make_file_control_record
Called to create the File Control Record. This should be called after make_batch.
- make_batch
params: AoH Records
Called the create and stash a batch of ACH entries. This method requires an AoH records. See sample_detail_records from record specifications.
- format_rules
Hash of ACH format rules needed by Text::FixedLength::Extra
- sample_detail_records
AoH of sample detail records
Detail Record Format
{ customer_name => 'JOHN SMITH', customer_acct => '0000-0111111', amount => '2501', routing_number => '010010101' bank_account => '103030030' }
- to_string
returns the built ACH file
METHOD Setters
- set_service_class_code
- set_destination_name
- set_destination
- set_origination_name
- set_origination
- set_entry_class_code
- set_entry_description
- set_company_id
- set_company_name
- set_company_note
- set_file_id_modifier
- set_record_size
- set_format_code
ACH File structure.
File Header
Batch Header
Batch Control
Batch Header
Batch Control
File Control
Only supports the ACH format.
Tim Keefer <>
Tim Keefer