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Gantry::Plugins::CRUD - helper for somewhat interesting CRUD work


my $user_crud = Gantry::Plugins::CRUD->new(
add_action => \&user_insert,
edit_action => \&user_update,
delete_action => \&user_delete,
form => \&user_form,
redirect => \&redirect_function,
template => 'your.tt', # defulats to form.tt
text_descr => 'database row description',
use_clean_dates => 1,
sub do_add {
my ( $self ) = @_;
$user_crud->add( $self, { data => \@_ } );
sub user_insert {
my ( $self, $form_params, $data ) = @_;
# $data is the value of data from do_add
my $row = My::Model->create( $params );
# Similarly for do_edit
sub do_delete {
my ( $self, $doomed_id, $confirm ) = @_;
$user_crud->delete( $self, $confirm, { id => $doomed_id } );
sub user_delete {
my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
my $doomed = My::Model->retrieve( $data->{id} );


This plugin helps you perform Create, Update, and Delete (commonly called CRUD, except that R is retrieve which you still have to implement separately).

Warning: most plugins export methods into your package, this one does NOT.

Normally, you can use Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD when you are controlling a single table. But, since its do_add, do_edit, and do_delete are genuine template methods*, sometimes it is not enough. For instance, if you need to allow a regular user and an admin edit for the same database table, you need two methods for each action (two for do_add, two for do_edit, and two for do_delete). This module can help.

* A template method has a series of steps. At each step, it calls a method via a hard coded name.

This module still does basically the same things that AutoCRUD does:

redirect to listing page if user presses cancel
if form parameters are valid:
callback to action method
if method is POST:
add form validation errors
(re)display form


This is an object oriented only module (it doesn't export like the other plugins).


Constructs a new CRUD helper. Pass in a list of the following callbacks and config parameters:

add_action (a code ref)

Called with:

your self object
hash of form parameters
the data you passed to add

Called only when the form parameters are valid. You should insert into the database and not die (unless the insert fails, then feel free to die). You don't need to change your location, but you may.

edit_action (a code ref)

Called with:

your self object
hash of form parameters
the data you passed to edit

Called only when form parameters are valid. You should update and not die (unless the update fails, then feel free to die). You don't need to change your location, but you may.

delete_action (a code ref)

Called with:

your self object
the data you passed to delete

Called only when the user has confirmed that a row should be deleted. You should delete the corresponding row and not die (unless the delete fails, then feel free to die). You don't need to change your location, but you may.

form (a code ref)

Called with:

your self object
the data you passed to add or edit

This needs to return just like the _form method required by Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD. See its docs for details. The only difference between these is that the AutoCRUD calls _form with your self object and the row being edited (during editing) whereas this method ALWAYS receives both your self object and the data you supplied.

redirect (optional, defaults to $your_self->location() )

NOTE WELL: It is a bad idea to name your redirect callback 'redirect'. That name is used internally in Gantry.pm.

Where you want to go whenever an action is complete. If you need control on a per action basis end your action callback with:

$your_self->location( 'http://location.of/your/choice' );

Your redirect is called with your self object and the data you passed to the add, edit, or delete method of this package. This allows you complete control, even on cancellation.

template (optional, defaults to form.tt)

The name of your form template.


The text string used in the page titles and in the delete confirmation message.

use_clean_dates (optional, defaults to false)

Make this true if you want your dates cleaned immediately before your add and edit callbacks are invoked.

Cleaning sets any false fields marked as dates in the form fields list to undef. This allows Class::DBI to correctly insert them as nulls instead of trying to insert them as blank strings (which is fatal, at least in Postgres).

For this to work your form fields must have this key: <is = 'date'>>.

Note that in all cases the submit key is removed from the params hash by this module before any callback is made.


Call this in your do_add on a Gantry::Plugins::CRUD instance:

sub do_special_add {
my $self = shift;
$crud_obj->add( $self, { data => \@_ } );

It will die unless you passed the following to the constructor:


You may also pass redirect which must return a location suitable for passing to $your_self->relocate.


Call this in your do_edit on a Gantry::Plugins::CRUD instance:

sub do_special_edit {
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $row = Data::Model->retrieve( $id );
$crud_obj->edit( $self, { id => $id, row => $row } );

It will die unless you passed the following to the constructor:


You may also pass redirect which must return a location suitable for passing to $your_self->relocate.


Call this in your do_delete on a Gantry::Plugins::CRUD instance:

sub do_special_delete {
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $confirm = shift;
$crud_obj->delete( $self, $confirm, { id => $id } );

The $confirm argument is yes if the delete should go ahead and anything else otherwise. This allows our standard practice of having delete urls like this:

which leads to the confirmation form whose submit action is:

which is taken as confirmation.

It will die unless you passed the following to the constructor:


You may also pass redirect which must return a location suitable for passing to $your_self->relocate.

You can pick an choose which CRUD help you want from this module. It is designed to give you maximum flexibility, while doing the most repetative things in a reasonable way. It is perfectly good use of this module to have only one method which calls edit. On the other hand, you might have two methods that call edit on two different instances, two methods taht call add on those same instances and a method that calls delete on one of the instances. Mix and match.


Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD (for simpler situations)
Gantry and the other Gantry::Plugins


Currently only one redirection can be defined. You can get more control by ending your action callback like this:

return $self->relocate( 'http://location.of/your/choice' );


Phil Crow <philcrow2000@yahoo.com>


Copyright (c) 2005, Phil Crow

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.