Changes for version 3.45 - 2006-12-11
- Arranged documenation
- Fixed namespace issue with Gantry::Plugins::AuthCookie
Table of Contents for Gantry documentation
A document explaining Gantry's features and history
how database connection info flows through Gantry
Frequently asked questions and answers about gantry
Getting your first Gantry app up and running
The Gantry Tutorial
What's a framework and why should I want one?
Web application framework for mod_perl, cgi, etc.
Gantry's Flexible Configuration System
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Gantry::Conf
Base class for all Gantry::Conf providers
Uses Config::General to configure your Gantry application
Uses Config::Tiny to configure your Gantry application
Base class for all Gantry::Conf::Provider::HTTP modules
Uses Config::General to configure your Gantry application
Configure via ModPerl::ParamBuilder
Configure via PerlSetVar's in httpd.conf
Store your configuration in a PostgreSQL database
Tutorial on how to use Gantry::Conf
The Core for User Management and Administration
Authentication by IP
Database based authentication
AuthenBase subclass for normal ORMs
AuthenBase subclass for normal ORMs
Page based access control.
AuthenBase subclass for CDBI ORMs
AuthenBase subclass for normal ORMs
Database based authorization.
Database based authorization for Class::DBI.
Database based authorization for most ORMs.
Group management for the Gantry library
Page based control adminstration.
User Management
model for auth_group_members table
model for auth_groups table
model for auth_pages table
model for auth_users table
model for auth_group_members table
Model Component for auth_group_members table
model for auth_groups table
model for auth_pages table
Model Component for the auth_pages table
model for auth_users table
Model Component for auth_users Control table
CGI plugin ( or mixin )
mod_perl 1.0 plugin ( or mixin )
mod_perl 2.0 plugin ( or mixin )
Gantry install options
Plugin for cookie based authentication
provides CRUD support
the actual CRUD for CDBI AutoCRUD
the actual CRUD for DBIx::Class AutoCRUD
helper for somewhat interesting CRUD work
DBIx::Class schema accessor mixin
Static file method
Validates input values.
HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI subclass providing stand alone server
Main stash object for Gantry
Stash object for the controller
Stash object for the view
Stash object for the view's form
Default text plugin for Gantry.
Framing plugin for Gantry.
Template Toolkit plugin for Gantry.
Class::DBI base model for Gantry Auth
Class::DBI base class for Gantry applications
helper routines for CRUD plugins
Database wrapper fucntions, specfic to PostgreSQL
connection info and dbh cache manager base module
connection info and dbh cache manager for mod_perl 1
connection info and dbh cache manager for mod_perl 2.0
connection info and dbh cache manager for scripts
a DBIx::Class subclass models can inherit from
A CRUD form validation error object
HTML tag generators.
a general purpose Object Relational Model base class
base class for auth database modelers
base class for database modelers
mixin for model base classes
PODViewer application
This module will set the client ip
SQL routines.
Validates input values.
decrypter for AuthCookie plugin
in lib/Gantry/Plugins/
in lib/Gantry/
in lib/Gantry/Utils/
in lib/Gantry/Stash/
in lib/Gantry/Stash/View/
in lib/Gantry/
in lib/Gantry/Stash/