use Excel::Table;
my $xs = Excel::Table->new('dir' => '/cygdrive/c/Users/self/Desktop');
for ($xs->list_workbooks) {
print "workbook [$_]\n";
my $wb1 = $xs->open_re('foo*bar*');
for my $worksheet ($wb1->worksheets) {
print "worksheet: " . $worksheet->get_name() . "\n";
$xs->null("this is a null value");
my @data = $xs->extract('Sheet1');
for (@data) {
printf "rowid [%s] title [%s] max_width [%d] value [%s]\n",
@data = $xs->extract_hash('Sheet1');
@data = $xs->select("column1,column2,column3", 'Sheet1');
@data = $xs->select_hash("column1,column2,column3", 'Sheet1');
printf "columns %d rows %d title_row %d\n",
$xs->columns, $xs->rows, $xs->title_row;
printf "regexp [%s] pathname [%s] sheet_name [%s]\n",
$xs->regexp, $xs->pathname, $xs->sheet_name;
printf "colid2title(0) = [%s]\n", $xs->colid2title(0);
printf "title2colid('Foo') = %d\n", $xs->title2colid('Foo');
DESCRIPTION - spreadsheet table processing. Retrieves worksheets as if they are structured tables array-format.
- 1a. OBJ->dir(EXPR)
Override the directory location in which to look for workbooks. Defaults to "." (i.e. the current working directory). This location is critical to the list_workbooks, open, and open_re methods.
- 1b. OBJ->list_workbooks
Returns an array of workbook files in the directory defined by the dir property.
- 2a. OBJ->open(EXPR)
Parses the filename specified by EXPR. The dir property will designate the search path. Once opened, via this method (or open_re) the workbook is available for use by the extract method.
- 2b. OBJ->open_re(EXPR)
This will search for a file which has a filename matching the regexp EXPR. A warning will be issued if multiple matches are found, only the first will be opened.
- 3. OBJ->regexp
Returns the regexp used to search for the workbook on the filesystem.
- 4. OBJ->pathname
Returns the pathname of the opened workbook.
- 5a. OBJ->extract(EXPR,[TITLE_ROW])
This will extract all data from the worksheet named EXPR. Data is extracted into an array and returned. Format of data is per below:
[ value1, value2, value3, ... ], [ value1, value2, value3, ... ], [ value1, value2, value3, ... ], ...
The object OBJ will be populated with various properties to assist you to access the data in the array, including column titles and widths.
A worksheet object is temporarily created in order to populate the array. Once a worksheet is extracted, the associated worksheet object is destroyed. This routine can be called again on any worksheet in the workbook.
If the TITLE_ROW argument is specified, then the title_row property will also be updated prior to extraction.
- 5b. OBJ->extract_hash(EXPR,[TITLE_ROW])
Per the extract method, but returns an array of hashes, with the hash keys corresponding to the titles.
- 5c. OBJ->select(CLAUSE,EXPR,[TITLE_ROW])
Similar to the extract method, this will extract all rows from the worksheet EXPR, constraining the columns to those specified by the clause argument, which is a comma-separated string, e.g. "column1,column2,column3".
As with the extract method, the titles and widths properties will be revised.
- 5d. OBJ->select_hash(CLAUSE,EXPR,[TITLE_ROW])
Per the select method, but returns an array of hashes.
- 6. OBJ->columns or OBJ->rows
Returns the number of columns or rows available in the sheet extracted via the extract method.
- 7a. OBJ->force_null
Flag which determines if whitespace fields should be replaced by specific text (see OBJ->null).
- 7b. OBJ->null
String to replace whitespace fields with. Defaults to "(null)".
- 8. OBJ->rowid
Flag which determines whether a pseudo-column "rowid" is included in each tuple. The value will take the form "999999999" Defaults to FALSE.
- 9. OBJ->sheet_name
Returns the sheet_name against which data was extracted via extract.
- 10. OBJ->trim
Flag which determines if trailing whitespace fields should be trimmed.
- 11a. OBJ->title_row
Returns the title row of the worksheet (defaults to zero), following extract.
- 11b. OBJ->titles
Returns an array of title fields, the title row number having been defined as OBJ->title_row.
- 11c. OBJ->colid2title(colid)
Converts the column number (colid) to a string column title (i.e. the offset within the title_row array). If no match, then returns undef.
- 11d. OBJ->title2colid(REGEXP)
Returns the column number of the title identified by REGEXP. If no match, then returns undef.
- 12. OBJ->widths
Returns an array of maximum lengths of any (non-title) data in each column.
Build V1.018
Copyright (C) 2012 Tom McMeekin
perl, Spreadsheet::ParseExcel, Spreadsheet::XLSX.