Syntax::Feature::Try - try/catch/finally statement for exception handling


use syntax 'try';

try {
    # run this code and handle errors
catch (My::Class::Err $e) {
    # handle exception based on class "My::Class::Err"
catch ($e) {
    # handle other exceptions
finally {
    # cleanup block


This module implements syntax for try/catch/finally statement with behaviour similar to other programming languages (like Java, Python, etc.).

It uses perl ( >= 5.14 ) experimental parser/lexer API.



To initialize this syntax feature call:

use syntax 'try';


The try block is executed. If it throws an error, then first catch block (in order) that can handle thrown error will be executed. Other catch blocks will be skipped.

If none of catch blocks can handle the error, it is thrown out of whole statement. If try block does not throw an error, all catch blocks are skipped.

catch error class

catch (My::Error $err) { ... }

This catch block can handle error that is instance of class My::Error or any of it's subclasses.

Caught error is accessible inside catch block via declared local variable $err.

catch all errors

To catch all errors use syntax:

catch ($e) { ... }

Caught error is accessible inside catch block via declared local variable $e.

rethrow error

To rethrow caught error call "die $err".

For example (log any Connection::Error):

try { ... }
catch (Connection::Error $err) {
    die $err;


The finally block is executed at the end of statement. It is always executed (even if try or catch block throw an error).

my $fh;
try {
    $fh = IO::File->new("/etc/hosts");
finally {
    $fh->close if $fh;

WARNING: If finally block throws an exception, originaly thrown exception (from try/catch block) is discarded. You can convert errors inside finally block to warnings:

try {
    # try block
finally {
    try {
        # cleanup code
    catch ($e) { warn $e }


This module is compatible with Exception::Class

use Exception::Class (
use syntax 'try';

try {
    My::Test::Error->throw('invalid password');
catch (My::Test::Error $err) {
    # handle error here

return from subrutine

This module supports also calling "return" inside try/catch/finally blocks to return values from subrutine.

sub read_config {
    my $file;
    try {
        $fh = IO::File->new(...);
        return $fh->getline; # it returns value from subrutine "read_config"
    catch ($e) {
        # log error
    finally {



@_ is not accessible inside try/catch/finally blocks, because these blocks are internally called in different context.

next, last, redo

next, last and redo is not working inside try/catch/finally blocks, because these blocks are internally called in different context.


None bugs known.


syntax - Active syntax extensions

Exception::Class - A module that allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl

Other similar packages

TryCatch - first class try catch semantics for Perl

Try - nicer exception handling syntax


Tomas Pokorny <tnt at cpan dot org>


Copyright 2013 - Tomas Pokorny.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.