CGI::Auth::FOAF_SSL::Advanced - advanced methods


The following methods are provided by CGI::Auth::FOAF_SSL but are unlikely to be useful for end-users. They are documented here for people wishing to develop extensions to CGI::Auth::FOAF_SSL.


  • new_unauthenticated($pem_encoded)

    Creates a CGI::Auth::FOAF_SSL object without performing WebID authentication.


The following can be used to get/set values associated with the session, certificate or certificate subject (client).

  • validation

    Returns a constant indicating how far along the validation sequence this session is.

    CGI::Auth::FOAF_SSL::VALIDATION_PEM indicates that the PEM certificate has been parsed and seemed syntactically valid. CGI::Auth::FOAF_SSL::VALIDATION_DATES indicates that the notBefore and notAfter dates on the certificate have been checked and found to be OK. CGI::Auth::FOAF_SSL::VALIDATION_WEBID indicates that full WebID authenticaion has been successful.

  • cert_modulus

    The certificate's RSA key modulus, as a Math::BigInt.

  • cert_exponent

    The certificate's RSA key public exponent, as a Math::BigInt.

  • cert_not_before

    A date the certificate should not be used before, as a DateTime.

  • cert_not_after

    A date the certificate should not be used after, as a DateTime.

  • subject_uri

    The WebID URI for the subject of the certificate, after authentication is successful.

  • subject_model

    An RDF::Trine::Model for the WebID profile document for the subject of the certificate, after authentication is successful.

  • subject_endpoint

    A SPARQL Protocol endpoint for the subject of the certificate, after authentication is successful.

  • session

    A CGI::Session object for this session.


  • authenticate_by_uri($uri)

    Checks if $uri claims that $auth's key identifies it.

    Returns true if authentication sucessful and positive.

  • authenticate_by_email($email_address)

    Checks if $email_address claims that $auth's key identifies it (via WebFinger/Fingerpoint).

    Returns true if authentication sucessful and positive.

  • authenticate_by_sparql($uri, $endpoint)

    Checks if $endpoint claims that $auth's key identifies $uri. $endpoint may be a SPARQL endpoint URI or an RDF::Trine::Model.

    Returns true if authentication sucessful and positive.

Utility Methods

  • get_trine_model($uri)

    Get an RDF::Trine::Model corresponding to a URI.

  • make_bigint_from_node($node)

    Turns an RDF::Trine::Node::Literal object into a Math::BigInt representing the same number.

    There are optional named parameters for providing a fallback in the case where $trine_node has an unrecognised datatype or is not a literal.

    $bi = $auth->make_bigint_from_node(
       $trine_node, fallback=>$other_node, fallback_type=>'hex');

    The authenticate_by_XXX methods use this.

  • execute_query($sparql)

    Returns the results of a SPARQL query. Uses the certificate subject's RDF file as a data source, or the certificate subject's SPARQL endpoint.

    See RDF::TrineShortcuts function rdf_query for an explanation of the return format.




Toby Inkster, <>


Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Toby Inkster

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.