Changes for version 0.001 - 2012-07-15


implementation of the HTMLAnchorElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLAreaElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLAudioElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLBRElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLBaseElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLBodyElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLButtonElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLCanvasElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLCollection interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLCommandElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLDListElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLDataListElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLDetailsElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLDivElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLDocument interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLEmbedElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLFieldSetElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLFormControlsCollection interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLFormElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLHRElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLHeadElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLHeadingElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLHtmlElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLIFrameElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLImageElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLInputElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLKeygenElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLLIElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLLabelElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLLegendElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLLinkElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLMapElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLMediaElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLMenuElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLMetaElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLMeterElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLModElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLOListElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLObjectElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLOptGroupElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLOptionElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLOutputElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLParagraphElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLParamElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLPreElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLProgressElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLQuoteElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLScriptElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLSelectElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLSourceElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLSpanElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLStyleElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTableCaptionElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTableCellElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTableColElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTableDataCellElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTableElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTableRowElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTableSectionElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTextAreaElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTimeElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTitleElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLTrackElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLUListElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLUnknownElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the HTMLVideoElement interface of the HTML DOM
implementation of the RadioNodeList interface of the HTML DOM
not quite a change log


implementation of the HTML5 DOM on top of XML::LibXML


in lib/HTML/HTML5/
in lib/HTML/HTML5/
in lib/HTML/HTML5/
in lib/HTML/HTML5/
in lib/HTML/HTML5/
in lib/HTML/HTML5/
in lib/HTML/HTML5/
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