JSON::JOM::Node - represents a node in a JOM structure


JOM nodes have the following built-in methods. Other methods are available in JOM plugins.

  • typeof - returns 'HASH', 'ARRAY', 'NULL', 'BOOLEAN', 'STRING', or 'NUMBER'

  • rootNode - a reference to the root node of the JOM structure.

  • isRootNode - boolean; is this the root node of the JOM structure?

  • parentNode - a reference to the parent of this node in the JOM structure.

  • nodePath - a JSON::Path-compatible string pointing to this node within the JOM structure.

  • nodeIndex - the array index or object key of the parentNode where this node is located.

  • meta - returns a hashref containing metadata about this node. This is intended for use by plugins.

  • id - a string that identifies this node during a single execution context. This is intended for use by plugins.

Note, the following should always be true for any JOM node $this:

or $this->parentNode->typeof eq 'ARRAY'
   && $this->parentNode->[ $this->nodeIndex ] == $this
or $this->parentNode->typeof eq 'HASH'
   && $this->parentNode->{ $this->nodeIndex } == $this


Please report any bugs to


JSON::JOM, JSON::JOM::Plugins.

JSON::JOM::Value, JSON::JOM::Array, JSON::JOM::Object.


Toby Inkster <>.


Copyright 2010 Toby Inkster

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.