Changes for version 0.006002 - 2022-07-10

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix various minor bugs which were causing warnings on older Perls.
  • Documentation
    • Fix minor typo in documentation for guard keyword.
  • Other
    • Added: New `mite preview FILENAME` command to preview the Perl code Mite will generate for a file.
    • The Mite development tool now uses Getopt::Kingpin and Module::Pluggable instead of App::Cmd, as recent versions of App::Cmd dropped support for Perl older than 5.20, limiting the versions of Perl the Mite development tool could run under. The Mite development tool now runs on Perl 5.10.1 or above, and projects compiled with it run on Perl 5.8.1 and above.


A Perl OO compiler
options for defining attributes with Mite
other features provided by Mite
functions exported by Mite
major Moose features not supported by Mite
how to work with Mite


Moose-like OO, fast to load, with zero dependencies.
glue between Mite and App::Cmd.
glue between Mite and App::Cmd::Command.
provides the "clean" command
provides the "compile" command
provides the "init" command
provides the "compile" command
Representing an attribute in a class.
Representing a class within a project.
The extra class file written by Mite.
Configuration file for a project.
Use in your Makefile.PL when developing with Mite
Mite within a Mite
Use in your Build.PL when developing with Mite
Representing a whole project.
Representing a role within a project.
Representing a role built with Role::Tiny.
shim to load files
Representing the human written .pm file.