
Creator:      Michael G Schwern (MSCHWERN)
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster (TOBYINK) <>

v0.0.9    2022-06-28

  - Don't internally use roles, as the aim is to eventually be able
    to have Mite use Mite instead of Moo, and Mite doesn't provide roles.
  - Fix minor pod formatting inconsistency.
  - Rename the `extends` method in Mite::Class to `superclasses` to avoid
    confusion with the exported `extends` function.
  - Mite::Class shouldn't accidentally try to use Try::Tiny::XS to
    implement strict constructors.
  - Require Type::Tiny 1.014000.

v0.0.8    2022-06-24

  - Implement trigger for has
  - Implement BUILD
  - Implement BUILDARGS
  - Child classes no longer re-implement accessors for attributes defined
    in parent classes, unless they have altered the attribute in some way
  - Mite::Shim now copes better with "+" prefix on attribute names.
  - has \@names is now supported, like Moose and Moo

v0.0.7    2022-06-23

  - Avoid Mite::Shim and Type::Tiny from appearing in compiled modules
    so they don't confuse the CPAN indexer.

v0.0.6    2022-06-23

  - Support Types::Common::Numeric types
  - Support Types::Common::String types
  - Implement coerce => 1 for has
  - Implement weak_ref => 1 for has
  - Clearers, setters and accessors used as setters are now chainable
  - Add "perltidy" option in ".mite/config"
  - Output accessor code in a stable order instead of hash order
  - Allow type => $blessed_type for has. Using it will void your warranty.

v0.0.5    2022-06-22

  - Bugfix inlining type constraints
  - Hide Mite::Shim embedded in Mite projects from CPAN indexer

v0.0.4    2022-06-22

  - Implement builder option for has
  - Implement lazy option for has
  - Implement isa option for has
  - Implement is => 'lazy' like Moo

v0.0.3    2022-06-21

  - Bugfixes
  - Implement reader option for has
  - Implement writer option for has
  - Implement accessor option for has
  - Implement predicates
  - Implement clearers
  - Implement is => 'rwp' like Moo

v0.0.2    2022-06-21

  - New maintainer
  - Port from Mouse to Moo
  - Implement strict constructors
  - Implement init_arg for attributes
  - Implement required attributes

v0.0.1    2014-07-19

  - Initial release