Changes for version v0.0.9 - 2022-06-28
- Don't internally use roles, as the aim is to eventually be able to have Mite use Mite instead of Moo, and Mite doesn't provide roles.
- Fix minor pod formatting inconsistency.
- Rename the `extends` method in Mite::Class to `superclasses` to avoid confusion with the exported `extends` function.
- Mite::Class shouldn't accidentally try to use Try::Tiny::XS to implement strict constructors.
- Require Type::Tiny 1.014000.
A Perl OO compiler
Moose-like OO, fast to load, with zero dependencies.
The extra class file written by Mite.
Use in your Makefile.PL when developing with Mite
Use in your Build.PL when developing with Mite
Representing the human written .pm file.
in lib/Mite/
in lib/Mite/
in lib/Mite/App/
in lib/Mite/App/Command/
in lib/Mite/App/Command/
in lib/Mite/App/Command/
in lib/Mite/
in lib/Mite/
in lib/Mite/
in lib/Mite/
in lib/Mite/
in lib/Mite/